@Edmonton Oilers

What Should the Toronto Maple Leafs Do With Cody Ceci?! | Be-Leaf: Episode 53 | TOR 3, FLA 5

A chance to win, and the Toronto Maple Leafs, but mainly, Cody Ceci, blow it. Now, they’re out of a playoff spot, behind who? THE FLORIDA PANTHERS.



  1. The Leafs dominated this entire game, they had the Panthers outplayed at every turn, O-zone time isn’t even comparable. This loss can be entirely attributed to Ceci, and we really needed this one.

  2. So, how does a team develop a killer instinct? Because that's what has been lacking for the last two or so seasons. Understandable– we sometimes forget how young this core of stars is. But watching them being this talented, but lacking that one mysterious element, is sure frustrating. I think they'll find it… but when? and what will be the event that does it?

  3. I saw'' Muff a row Joe '' at the game a ''BUSH LEAGUE PLAYER''from Moosesee, ONTARIO looking for CODY CICI job……

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