@National Hockey League

The Buffalo Sabres should wear these jerseys more often.

The Buffalo Sabres should wear these jerseys more often.

by camgary95


  1. Particular_Tutor_46

    Would be cool if they had a red white and blue version to match the Bills.

  2. zeppelin_64

    Yesss all their jerseys are 🔥 if I’m being completely honest

  3. Eric89o

    The sabres do way better in those jerseys too

  4. jpatt05

    *the dominator has entered the conversation*

  5. ObiWanFoley

    They could wear them more if they made the playoffs

  6. SpecialistShop5733

    Nah. Going back to blue and gold was the smartest move the team made.

  7. No-League-5517

    they should go with these instead of the blue and yellow honestly

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