@Toronto Maple Leafs

Wayne Simmonds vs Warren Peters Apr 6, 2009

Wayne Simmonds vs Warren Peters from the Los Angeles Kings at Calgary Flames game on Apr 6, 2009.


  1. you are obviously a rational human being, these boards should be just for hockey. I love hockey and do enjoy the fights. Like most Americans I started watching hockey way back in the 80s because of the fights however that changed to a real appreciation of this sport.

  2. That fight was for "who can remain standing the longest while loading sick punches on the foe". It was kind of a draw.

  3. Its just called the CHL, and the OHL more specifically. Simmonds is a fun player to watch. Hes young and he always shjows respect when he fights. He drops his helmet and never punches a downed opponent.

  4. Any KNOWLEDGEABLE hockey fan will tell you that Peters connected with more, and better punches than Simmonds. Simmonds with the takedown, but Peters wins the fight.
    Fuck any of you morons that disagree.

  5. lol, wtf kind of name is Balraj?
    I won't be told to stfu by some piece of shit 5'1 East Indian.

    Hey, Simmonds lost, get over it. Move on to some other ethnic minority to cheer on in the NHL, like Donald Brashear. At least he can win fights.

  6. Lol… look at this shit. Each and ever person who says "Oh, Simmonds won!" is a L.A fan…
    I wonder why?!

  7. you are right I dont like to read comments from stupid people, simmonds won not only cause he threw him down, he threw harder punches and many more also

  8. Class act, he took off his helmet because he wears a visor. Something that Cindy cry baby didn't do against giroux in game 3.

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