@Detroit Red Wings

Red Wings Potential Lines!

Buschy tries his best to guess what the Red Wings lines will look like at the beginning of the 2023 season

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#redwings #nhl #larkin #raymond #debrincat #compher #perron #berggren #rasmussen #sprong #fabbri #kostin #copp #fischer #seider #walman #gostisbehere #maatta #holl #chiarot #husso #reimer #lines


  1. I like those lines 👍 , for me I have TOP line Lw Fabbri , C Larkin , Rw Debrincat , 2nd line Lw Raymond , C Comp , Rw Perron , 3rd line Lw Berggren , C Copp , Rw Sprong , 4th line Lw Kostin , C Ras , Rw Fisher , but I do really like yours a tad better 👊 , my D pairing is the same as yours so I didn't include it lol

  2. Like those lines and our lineup. I am sure there will be a ton of juggling and figuring out where the chemistry lies.

    Hate to say it, but i just cant see Fabs staying healthy. That boy only has one kind of luck which is unfortunate.

  3. I think the bigger argument on not having Raymond on your top line is that him there puts more of the forecheck duties on Larkin. Rasmussen or Perron would probably be better choices in that respect.

  4. I like it 👍
    I mean, it’s a luxury of problems, if you think about it.
    I think this team is ready to break out, even if you throw these lines into the blender, and see what comes out. 🤷‍♂️
    And I think that most of them compliment each other.

    Just stay off of the I.R.L.!!!😳🙄🤞🙏
    Especially Fabs!

  5. What I predict at the start of the season:



    What I predict at the trade deadline (assuming no injuries)
    Debrincat-Larkin-Fabbri (I think Fabbri is going to have a beastly year if he stays healthy and I think he provides that hard worker role to this line while still fitting in well with their skating ability)
    Berggren-Kasper-Raymond (I honestly think Compher is going to be a slightly better Copp and by the end of the year Kasper will be put into the 2C role)
    Soderblom-Compher-Perron (Perron will almost for sure be in the top 6 due to injuries but I just think he's the odd Wing out here and I think Soderblom is going to push a lot of guys down the lineup when he is brought up)
    Sprong-Rasmussen-Kostin (not much to explain other than that I believe this will be one of the best 4th lines in the league)

    Maata-Chiarot (Yes I know the Chiarot over Gost might be controversial but I just have a feeling Gostisbehere is going to have a really terrible year and that Chiarot will look ok on the bottom pair)


    I think we will trade a number of players at the deadline this year too, my suspected players would be Perron, Compher, Maata, and Gostisbehere and we'll get to see what Mazur or Lombardi or whoever is performing well in GR. (Also I could see a possibility if Husso plays really well that be trade him for a Hellebuyck or Gibson or something sneaky)

  6. Its really just great to have options and not really know what the lines will be. Just think about this… a GOOD player will be healthy scratched opening night.

  7. I doubt we will see Ras playing much center this year. Hes gonna likely end up on the wing of the 3rd line.

    Id kinda like to see Raymond go to the 2nd line. At least to start the season. Take some pressure off this kid and just let him play.


  8. I have TOP line Lw Debrincat , C Larkin , Rw Rasmussen , 2nd line Lw Raymond , C Compher , Rw Berggren , 3rd line Lw Fabbri, C Copp , Rw Perron , 4th line Lw Kostin , C Fishcher , Rw sprong d pair walman seider holl gotisbhere Maatta Chiarot. assuming edvid is hurt/playing number 1 mins in Gr. I like a bigger body on 1st line with deb and larks. I feel perron might be a bit slower this year so giving him easier comp in a lower role might more smart. J burger gonna be setting up raymond on a lower comp 2nd line for easier back door 1t's.

  9. People will hate the idea, but I suspect the 2nd pairing will be Ghost – Holl by game 10. Maatta will eventually be the add man out this year when Edvinsson comes up.

  10. Compher would be ideal for the that top line, they need a good passer & teammate & mostly a good defensive forward to compliment Larkin & DeBrincat.

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