@Columbus Blue Jackets

Subban fires a rocket from center ice past Korpisalo

Montreal Canadiens defenseman P.K. Subban fires a laser from center ice that beats the blocker of Columbus Blue Jackets goalie Joonas Korpisalo.


  1. Nothing wrong with a little passion out there on the ice, eh? Not so sure there'd be as much finger pointing if Gallagher had done the exact same thing, though.

  2. I know that feeling. obviously not at that level but he couldn't see it and it just goes right past your blocker

  3. This is why he was traded.

    The Shea Weber for Subban trade is probably the best thing that has happened in a long time for the Canadiens.

  4. a game where big kids sakte around throwing tantrums and hitting a rock with a stick, encouraged to fight, then put in time out.

  5. i was at the leafs/predators game yesterday and i watched pk subban skate around during the commercial break.. but of course, being pk, he had to skate between all the shovel girls and get in their way the whole commercial break, weaving between each of them.. you could tell it was bothering them. then once they finished he went back to the bench and waited for play to resume.. i kid you not, he really is douchebag of the year.

  6. im pretty sure that was it for his career in montreal after that. i can underrstand how hot head he is. but …. he got a hell of a shot.

  7. September 20, he announced his retirement… Good luck Subby… Miss you on the Habs

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