@Montreal Canadiens

This is a Big Problem in the NHL

OK Guys, during the game today between the Montreal Canadiens and the New York Islanders.. I saw a glaring problem that continues to happen during NHL hockey games.. The LENGTH of challenges are getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on.. Often times its just a coin toss to decide whether or not we got a good goal anymore, and the play in particular at the Bell Center today was ridiculously long.

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  1. Coulda gone upstairs with it / blown it up 10 x larger and made the call….waaaay quicker.But that might not make sense to Pee Wee Beetman

  2. No problem with long reviews if they get the call correct, especially in overtime. Sucks when they're 10 minutes long, but it sucks more when the call is wrong

  3. I'm aghast at Hoffman's inability to take the pass cleanly. You're all alone with a perfect look at the pass, why are you taking it in the skates?

  4. They'd have to pay up to have someone else review it, with a large screen TV, and they don't want to do that, so this is what we get. Obviously it's got to be hard to judge on a tablet screen.

  5. That's a great idea: A call clock (much like a shot clock) of 3 min. or whatever. If the refs can't sort an overturn of the on-ice call in the allotted time, then the on-ice call stands and review ends. Enough already fellas! LOL

  6. Well done Junkie, I ll tell ya the officiating is so bad now that they need to do an overhaul ,it's pathetic. They refs need re schooling .

  7. There should be a rule where if it takes more than, idk, a minute and a half or something to review it’s just dubbed in conclusive. Some of these off side reviews are ridiculous.

  8. Love the Aho quip! Refs—adding a second senior striper has slowed the game and made hockey weaker. How many z-bras is it going to take before they see Josh Anderson’s head get taken off by Horvat’s elbow? Really enjoyed Matheson’s offensive contribution today. He deserved the game winner. Great content, Junkie!

  9. When I was just a young pup, they drilled this in my head, Black and White always right. It is a crock of you know what. It took as long to make a ruling as to play the overtime.

  10. The offside rule is an abomination and the zebras are trying to impact the game waaaaaaay too much. Release the lions!

  11. Please..for Gawd sake..get rid of those blue jerseys. It's an embarrassment to the clubs history. Please get rid of whoever thought that this was a good idea for the Habs colours. They're hideous.

  12. All I have to say is, "Die Schiedsrichter müssen mit den Videowiederholungen besser werden…."

  13. the quality or lack of among the officiating is so obvious. since adding 2nd ref it has gone down the tubes and having the review based out of Toronto seems to show a bias against Montreal. how they missed the headshot is beyond any logic . the review is suppose to show if the play was definitely offside but they could not make up their minds and dragged it out but could not screw the Habs on this one… something has to be done about the lack of quality officials and a simple was he offside or not does not need to take forever to figure out…once again it was all about the officials and not the players or game

  14. Wait wait wait , did we win our first game in those Tank jerseys??
    Dam !! I was hoping we would go 0-10 with those ehh

  15. the Zebras have to get off the reruns of that's hockey tonight and call the game like big boys …let your calls stand

  16. Time limit may not be a bad idea. The spirit of the rule is to overturn horrible calls but now almost every challenge is nickel and diming the excitement out of the game. Can't even celebrate a goal half the time, always looking at the benches / refs to see if it's a good goal.

  17. I agree. They should just get rid of it. If the ref calls it, that’s the call. It’s especially stupid/annoy when it comes to reviews of penalties. Give me a break. This isn’t foreign policy or invasion we’re planning here. It’s a freakin game. The refs screwing things up, because they’re human, is part of the game. Enough with the review crap.

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