@Seattle Kraken

More from Felicia Wennberg on IG

More from Felicia Wennberg on IG

by Crusty8


  1. ThatDarnBanditx

    If you are a booktok fan and only care about the looks of players, please leave hockey and don’t come back. The fact that so many people are having trouble understanding the concept of CONSENT is terrifying. You don’t get to harass the players and their families. Get mental help, harassment is NEVER ok towards anyone.

    The Wennbergs have done a lot of outreach and work for prosecuted communities, they are far from people who have done bad things or been malicious. Leave them alone.

    Kierra: Stop weaponizing your fanbase to justify sexual harassment, and at this point straight up harassment, while race baiting. You are disgusting. The Wennbergs didn’t owe you a response, or discussion on why they wanted people to stop harassing them. No one owes anyone an explanation as to why they want harassment to stop.

  2. veloxaraptor

    I love her. Like, truly.

    The fact that people are out there victim blaming her and Alex, and dragging their toddler into it just really adds highlight and emphasis to what she’s saying.

    If you’re going to sit there and be offended over a blanket statement like it’s directed at you, maybe you should ask yourself WHY.

    Women voice all the time how we’re sexualized and harassed just for existing, but apparently should be allowed to do shit like this just because the person in question is a man and a celeb? Nah. Hard pass.

    Do better, be better.

    Give the Wennbergs and the rest of the Hockey Players a break.

  3. BookTok is the least hockey thing I’ve ever seen.

    Can we get back to Tim Hortons and all the funny lingo type of hockey?

  4. The objectification of players (really anyone) who people dont actually have any relationship with is so gross. People use the internet to post things about real people that they’d never say to the persons face. Parasocial relationships caused by social media is out of control.

  5. Designer_Spot_7030

    I agree with everything Felicia is saying. I just hate how the team’s social media is getting away with making KL the face of this. Hockey romance was at the time trending and they basically came in and were like check out our men. They were the ones posting thirst traps of their players, they posted videos of the men on their team groin stretching calling them BookTok’s fantasy. And other teams and sports hopped on that train. Instead of holding the SM team accountable for ENCOURAGING it, they got away scott free and KL became the scape goat for it. They should have taken accountability instead of deleting all of their videos pretending they didn’t have a part in it because it was all fun and games for them, flying her out and giving her custom merch until it wasn’t and they pretended they didn’t have a hand in it.

    I do believe that Felicia could have reached out to KL and they BOTH address this. It was such a good opportunity to come together and have an actual discussion about all of this, because I promise you no one is defending the unhinged shit, and it wouldn’t have become about everyone either defending Felicia or KL.

  6. Wennberg posted on insta as well. It’s really frustrating that the response by some people has been so negative to her reasonable complaints. She’s not being racist or a prude or a hypocrite by asking people not to sexually harass her husband. The fact that she is getting sent this stuff “on a weekly if not daily basis” is FUCKED UP. And now they’re getting more abuse in the comments on pictures of their family and their children. Absolutely disgusting behavior.

    I am all for more women fans participating in hockey! And I appreciate that the players are very physically fit and attractive. But the reason I am here watching is because I’m a hockey fan. I noticed the players I love in the very first game I watched because I loved seeing them play. Specifically Dunn and McCann lol. I hope that this situation doesn’t deter more women from participating because hockey is SO fun to watch. And I hope this doesn’t embolden gatekeepers and misogynists to try to exclude women hockey fans.

  7. Electrical-Okra3644

    I think she’s badass for saying this. Did the team play into it? Sure, and what they did was PG rated fun. If people had kept that energy, everyone would have been happy, but some creators had to run all over human decency, so now we can’t have nice things.

  8. NorEastahBunny

    Alex also just posted about this on his story.

  9. itsnoterik

    This is something I was completely unaware of until Felicia’s post last week. I wish I could go back.

    That shit is so beyond cringe I get second hand embarrassment. Booktok people need to touch grass.

  10. Zealousideal_Sell937

    If your response to a respectful boundary being set is to freak out and be rude, you are the problem.

  11. shmoove_cwiminal

    Don’t engage with crazy. It only makes things worse. This is a great example. People should stay away from the fringes of the internet. It’s filled with weirdos. Avoid eye contact and walk on by.

  12. eviltoothbrush

    Great response by Felicia and its too bad she even had to explain herself. Wennberg’s was even better and hopefully shuts the whole thing down.

  13. figure32

    I’m a Booktuber and all we talk about is books. I’ve never been on TikTok but how did Booktok devolve to thirsting over hockey players?

  14. flowerblossom2308

    It is also very clear that majority of the booktok fans that are upset about his WIFE setting boundaries are not actual hockey fans. They’re making comments that are very clear they do not know the sport and do not care for the sport, only being able to make their weird comments and look at players. They think there will be no one at games anymore now that they’re “unstanning” and that they brought in a shit ton of money to Seattle 😭 they’re trying to find a new team by asking who the Krakens rivals are to go support that team instead.

  15. Kindly_League9913

    So disgusting they have to go through this

  16. Alternative-Click-15

    On one hand I’m thankful that the team leaned into booktok’s hockey obsession because I would never have gotten into hockey if they hadn’t (and I fucking love it here) but at the same time this was always the way it was going to end. Booktok thrives on a lack of boundaries and lack of common sense I fear.

  17. sabrina_you_witch

    Love books- actually brought me to hockey but this is unhinged. These are real people?? Booktok needs to reevaluate

  18. alienbanter

    I don’t have anything meaningful to add that isn’t already in this thread or that I didn’t say in the post the other day…. I’m just so sad that they’re having to deal with all of this 😔

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