
Alex Wennberg’s statement on the booktok situation, follow up from his wife, Felicia Wennberg’s statement yesterday

Alex Wennberg’s statement on the booktok situation, follow up from his wife, Felicia Wennberg’s statement yesterday

by DepressedMemerBoi


  1. The girls commenting on Wennberg’s wife’s instagram are so disgusting. They’re trying to make it about race now too cause Felicia called out a black “influencer” like who fucking cares

  2. SDAisaleaf

    How fucking hard is it to not sexually harass someone? It’s disgusting his wife got backlash for speaking out against her husband being victimized to the point where he felt the need to step in

  3. dragons_fire77

    “Hey, can you maybe not write aggressive literotica stories about my husband and post them online and tag us?”

    “Screw you, I’m gonna harasses you and your child over some person I’ve never met who happens to be good looking.”

    Yeah, not an overreaction at all.

  4. mayumenez

    Felicia is a champ for getting the ball rolling for Alex to also speak up. That’s good partnership right there.

  5. useless_99

    Absolutely awful what they have to deal with. I hope things improve and people give them respect and space, because this is just ridiculous.

  6. veloxaraptor

    Dragging a child, a fucking TODDLER into it, who has no involvement in this whatsoever just because you can’t handle being told you’re being disgusting??? Seriously??

    If you don’t want to hear how you’re part of the problem, don’t do the shit in the first place. Don’t want to be called a sexual harasser? Then don’t sexually harass someone.

    And don’t fucking DARE attack a *child* because your fragile egos can’t handle the truth.

    Absolutely fucking gross.

  7. grgriffin3

    The trend in recent years of people thinking it’s okay/cool to be openly and performatively horny online has been a massive negative.

  8. WagnerCoup

    Good on Alex, but more importantly good on his wife. She didn’t back down, and good on her for saying something despite the backlash.

    These “fans” are shameful and I’m 100% on the side of the Wennbergs. Social media has become so toxic.

  9. ForeverJung

    So I feel super old right now, not on TikTok. I get the concept of “booktok” as a sub culture on TikTok but what does booktok have to do with these hockey players? Feel like I’m missing something

  10. riding-the-wind

    Dusted off the insta app for a second (my first mistake) and… fucking yikes. Someone left a comment on his profile more or less accusing him of being ungrateful for booktok leading to his “popularity.”

    He is not a professional influencer. He is a professional athlete. *He* never asked for anyone to elevate his social media position by embrassingly thirsting over him and his teammates, so he definitely doesn’t have to be grateful for it.

    Edit: and the comments on her posts are even worse.

    Clout is a mind disease.

  11. Way to go Wennbergs! Pretty insane that players or their families / friends even have to tell people where the line is for sexual harassment in 2023.

  12. Calhalen

    The comments on her first insta pic made me so goddamn angry, i dunno why i even bothered checking. Just openly harassing her and bullying her, accusing of racism etc. Fuck these lowlifes, absolute losers

  13. Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    I read that Australian hockey booktok story last week and my first thought was how fucking awkward and even creepy it must be for the players. Even worse, their clubs were pushing it for the increased engagement (read: revenue), so they’re in a difficult position where they know they need the fans. We wouldn’t tolerate this behavior from men (directed at either a man or woman), so we shouldn’t tolerate it from women either.

    As an aside, Alex is fortunate to have a wife who’s educated in this stuff, so it was much easier for both Alex and his wife to navigate. These situations must be relationship straining for couples without the expertise or language to manage the social media bullshit.

  14. xc2215x

    Good statement from Alexander Wennberg here.

  15. 4handzmp

    I went to his wife’s IG because of comments on here and I genuinely cannot believe how much harassment she is getting.

    A lot of comments on her photos are saying things like “oh wow well you liked the booktok attention a few months ago and now you don’t?”

    Yea that is what consent is you psychotic pieces of shit. Those statements are no different from “oh wow you liked my sexual advances for the last half hour but now you don’t?”

    Yes. That is how consent works!

    These women harassing her are vile.

  16. Strypes4686

    If what was posted about Wennberg was posted about Rapinoe or Griner it’d be a brave statement and applauded,but because it’s a male athlete it’s okay.


    This needed t be posted and needs to be reposted from time to time. I’ll even go as far to say we still hear about Larry Nassar,but nobody outside of the hockey community knows who Kyle Beach is.

  17. BagBeth

    This is messed up, they really don’t deserve this.

  18. bad_romace_novelist

    I follow both Alex & Felicia on Instagram. I’m older so I enjoy their posts about their son and life in Sweden. I may read some hockey romances and I’ve seen some of the TikToks, but yeah, these “fans” are going overboard.

    Sure Alex is a good looking man, but to harass him and his wife? The Kraken social media gave one Tiktoker tickets to a game, merch, etc., and I think that’s where the “Krak my Back” sign came from. Take your swag, make a cute post and move on.

    There’s no reason to slip into DM’s or post nasty comments to him and his family.

    I mean, Alex is not Tyler Seguin. If you know you know!

  19. -TheWickedEnd-

    Good statement but I think the people they’re up against don’t give a fuck about this type of thing. Hopefully it will work but the chronically online seemingly can’t be tamed these days… absolute psychos most of them. Completely out of touch with reality.

  20. Ibleedred99

    Let’s talk about Seguin and his wife… it only makes people like this think their behavior is normal…

  21. No matter who it is, or what they mean to you or what they did or didn’t do you gotta leave their kids out of it. Full stop

  22. migsahoy

    my late 20s ass has no idea what any of this booktok stuff means someone pls ELI5

  23. ThatDarnBanditx

    Kierra is a piece of shit for how she weaponized her fans and pulled the race card to harass this man and his family, if your one of her fans and think this behavior is fine please leave hockey alone and get help.

  24. Angry_Walnut

    Jesus, the fact people can be this publicly vile makes me sick to my stomach. What is wrong with these people? Who raised these fucking lunatics?

  25. Shribble18

    These booktokers are legit unhinged. Write fanfic and have discord groups and tumblrs but the minute it spills over into real life and involve the players and families directly it’s truly horrifying and weird.

  26. Constant-Squirrel555

    The people harassing the Wennbergs are utter delinquents

    Grow tf up

  27. revillio102

    You know it’s bad when a hockey player has to tell you to cool it with the sexual harassment

  28. bonnydelrico

    I miss the old days of keeping shit to yourself

  29. the_gaymer_girl

    People harassed him on pictures of their KID?

    Jesus H. Christ.

  30. Grind_your_soul

    It’s one thing to have fantasies about someone. It’s going a bit far over the line to go to their social media and post said fantasies. It’s goes even further to attack that person’s spouse/loved one when they say they don’t like it and want it to stop.

    Some people *really* need to learn about boundaries.

  31. TwoSheds84

    Can someone ELI5 this booktok thing? How did this all start?

  32. BoyWithHorns

    I love these people, respect how they have handled this, and they have my full support.

  33. iiKrOna

    They’re just hurting the reputation of actual fans that care about it for all the right reasons

  34. Zanchbot

    Every day I find something new to hate about TikTok.

  35. AuxNimbus

    Alex a g for coming to his wife defence

  36. P-Rickles

    Alexander Wennberg is a class act through and through and I’m convinced that Tom Wilson hit changed the trajectory of not only his career but that of the entire Blue Jackets organization. I’m glad he’s doing well in Seattle. As usual, the internet is a cesspool.

  37. ppParadoxx

    the level of unhingedness I’ve seen in tiktok comments is wild. People acting like the kraken wouldn’t have fans without booktok and making up conspiracy theories about infidelity are just truly wild and they need to touch grass fr

  38. xen0m0rpheus

    Wow the comments on his wife’s insta are disgusting. The internet can be such a mean place, do people not remember they’re dealing with real people here?

  39. Please_obtain_taco

    This whole BookTok shit is so weird to me. If it were men doing this, we’d be looked at as perverted savages. But because it’s some lonely housewife shit, everyone is just supposed to be okay with it? Wtf?

  40. SMA2343

    Yeah idc doing erotica with REAL people is fucking weird. Especially this situation.

  41. laura2585

    I’d love to be in the mind of Vince Dunn too. So many of specifically said he inspired a character in a book

  42. NavyGuy87

    So if I’m getting this right, lots of “authors” like making smut books based on hockey (and Kraken players) Felicia asked them to please stop using her husband in those and the unhinged ladies are bashing her akin to creepy guys on the internet? God forbid you ask someone to stop doing something like that

  43. TheSeanie

    Can’t wait for kierra to somehow play victim in response to this one. These people need to get a grip and respect the wennbergs wishes

  44. millard_spillmore

    Idk what it is about hockey that brings out the weirdos but it’s gotten so out of control. Here in Carolina there is a whole mass of people on Twitter that essentially stalk the players and ooogle over them like they are k-pop stars. So uncomfortable. Don’t see it in any other sport.

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