@National Hockey League

Is this hat fresh or not?

I bought this hat probably 10 years ago when I went through my ducks phase and just found it again.

by mrpantzman777


  1. wallabrush99

    I couldn’t wear that but i know many people who could rock it

  2. DieselFistPumps

    That’s siccc. I’d rock one on the golf course if it was the Sharks.

  3. FI-Engineer

    It’s so stale it’s come around to fresh again.

  4. Independent_Ad_3928

    I’d wear that on golf outings

  5. DaSqurrminator

    Incredible drip. I’d be happy to take off your hands if you’re questioning…

  6. Ugh, it’s awful. Terrible. You should get rid of it. Here, send it to me, I’ll do it for you.

  7. LtReaper1722

    I’m a kings fan but that is a nice hat

  8. iQuatro

    Yes – bucket hats and 90s nostalgia are both in rn

  9. koplinsky

    lol, no. but it will definitely be appreciated by us hockey nerds that grew up in the 90’s

  10. KungFuSlanda

    depends on the head upon which it sits

    Based on the lenovo red button mouse laptop, guaranteed fresh

  11. Boss-Lumberjack

    As a Jets/Teemu fan: I’d wear that. The old Ducks logo is one of the coolest in the leagues history.

  12. LumbaJ4cked

    It’s so fresh it’s cooler than National Lampoon’s

  13. TheFoundation_

    Looks dope to me but I have no style so take that with a grain of sslt

  14. DanTreview

    I’d say it’s more “fly” than “fresh”

  15. lostharbor

    If you like the hat and team go nuts. Don’t worry about what others think of you, legend.

  16. Invictus23_

    Ugh it’s hideous. Send it to me so I can go ahead and just toss that out for you.

  17. Super_Strawberry1722

    Yes. On a cruise ship in Asia. They will buy it off your head. Kawai!

  18. Bozosaurus666

    As a Sharks fan, yeah this hat is dope.

  19. PooShappaMoo

    I think it’s awesome. 10/10 would wear

  20. bingbong6977

    No it’s hideous I’ll take it off your hands for ya

  21. albertogonzalex

    Super fresh! If Snoop was a ducks fan instead of a kings fan, he would wear it.

  22. Unholydiver919

    I’m not a Ducks fan but I would wear it.

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