@New York Rangers

Reacting To Artemi Panarin’s Allegations and Leave From The NHL

There seems to be some general confusion about what is the truth around this situation. Also shoutout Jay for eating over the soundboard. Come on Jay…

This is a clip from the That’s Hockey Talk podcast



#PatMcAfee #NHL #Hockey


  1. Hopefully everything turns out good and everyone stays safe…… and he comes back to Chicago… my 72 jersey is so sad in my closet

  2. Im from tula, russia. We all admire both Breadmans hockey skills and his anti putins blunt statments over the years as well as his big chatity works helping the needy from his own lil town and across the country too. Its not my personal opinion but 90% OF THE PEOPLE THAT I KNOW ARE sick and tired of putin and his regime. We cant do anything about it as when we go out on peacefull marches police use brutal force. They beat people, even old inecent ladies, they throw folks in jails, they dismiss students from work and put false accusation in crimes people never commited not even close.
    And Artemi is just one of the victims of putins regime…Dark times …

  3. Cool to hear Latvia (where Im from) mentioned on this channel buuuuuut sad that it is in this kind of circumstances…

  4. People close to the situation say this is 100% government bs and he is working to get his family out of Russia….

  5. 5:20 I hate the phrase “there has to be something MUCH MORE BIGGER”!!! Say something much bigger, something a lot bigger, or even just something way bigger. Just not MUCH MORE BIGGER it makes you sound dumb as hell like you’re just stupid and so t know how to get a point across!!!

  6. C'mon A.Q., gotta be a few college recruiting shenanigans that rival this story, laremy tunsil style. Perhaps not as salacious or political, but kinda weird.

  7. Russian OC has been pulling this since Federov and Konstantinov back in the 90s. Anyone that thinks the Red Wings limo accident back in the day was anything but a setup is not paying attention.

  8. Putin been in power almost as long as Artemi been alive and that’s all you need to know about the crookedness that’s been going on in Russia for the past 20 years. The great Russian people need,want and deserve a change

  9. Protecting his family along with taking the focus off the team by removing himself from it seems a reasonable action and shouldnt be an admittance of guilt. This looks like a campaign to discredit and destroy in order to make any other allegations look less credible along with sending a message to others you better not think of doing the same. That of course is with limited info and could be true but it doesnt appear to be credible.

  10. Rangers need to do whatever they can to help out or they won't have a star player anymore

  11. This story comes out to scare him to shut up, he’s not going to and knows they will escalate until he does. Putin has already killed people, whatever Artemi needs to do in order to get the people he loves to safety. Anyone who tries to say he’s doing this because the story is true is being willfully ignorant of global politics, which isn’t an insult by the way. People don’t know the depths of evil going on in Russia

  12. where can we find the full episodes for this show? ive search the channel and haven't found them (the most recent ones at least)

  13. This doesn’t seem like it’s going to end well for Artemi. Hopefully everyone he cares for is long outta Russia. Scary shyt

  14. Random question for old NHL players, can't remember too well but what year did they add the "scrotal contusion" injury into play? #2 thinking back, anyone else find the humor even better as an adult as they did a kid? Enjoy your weekend folks 🍻.

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