@New York Rangers

Reaves vs. Imama: The Worst Fight in NHL History?

John Scott goes off on the less than stellar fight between Ryan Reaves and Bokondji Imama on Sunday night.

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  1. Imama should've received a 10 minute misconduct for wasting everyone's time.

  2. I think he was just trying to land a solid punch, but really in hockey fighting you just got to get in there and wail. It's not a martial art its a bar fight.

  3. Guys used to do this all the time. Tap-Tap "hey you wanna go?"

    Or after an incident such as this, someones gotta send a message "if you're going to wreck our guys into the wall, you are going to have to fight"

    I don't find anything about how this fight went down as weird. This style of enforcing has gotten to be less and less as the league has slowly progressed into less and less fighting and enforcing.

    Nowadays, we see a lot more scrums instead.

  4. The guy I see backing off from engagement is clearly Reaves. Imma knew he was gonna lose, but just tried to grab on and throw. Reaves maybe felt bad for the guy and kept pulling away. Reaves could have just locked him up and let each man get a grip and then dropped him. Or even taking it easy. Either way, John Scott is wrong again, and it's why his podcast isn't getting traction.

  5. Because Reeves left his soul intact. He saw a little boy out of his element and didn’t mash him.

  6. Imama looks like he was intimidated and didn’t know how to engage Reevo. While Ryan was just waiting Patiently to counter him.

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