@Tampa Bay Lightning

Sergachev’s Thoughts on Toronto’s Win

Sergachev’s Thoughts on Toronto’s Win

by itsyaboikawaiidesu


  1. Adam_Friedland_TAFS

    Thatta boy, Sergy. Tell it like it is.

  2. Oiler_boiler

    All the cry baby’s in r/hockey would come out of the woodwork to defend the leafs if they seen this

  3. inquisitorautry

    Hey. In 19 more years, they may make the conference finals.

  4. TiredReader87

    That’s why I was embarrassed as a Leafs fan when so many people celebrated in the streets like we’d won something real.

    This popped up on my feed

  5. chandogrogo

    This is low key hilarious and reminds me of Kuch #1 Bullshit, but did he actually say this?

  6. BonaldRurgundy

    Hahahah you guys are seriously salty about this!! This proves the win meant more then the quote

  7. Shadow_of_Yor

    Lmao I’m not even Tampa fan and think that’s great.

  8. Sinaloa187

    Toronto media and fans are next level oblivious

  9. AeroBlack33

    I can think of at least one other team that celebrated that exact scenario.

  10. Fit-Meal4943

    Dude….it’s over, you got trounced in the first round and you’re big hurt…we get that…now go play golf.

  11. BMack037

    It was like bragging about getting your driver’s license after several failed attempts. No one outside your circle cares because we all have done it, and it didn’t take us as long.

  12. GoldMonk44

    In hindsight what a great trade he was for Tampa

  13. CruelRuin

    lol pretty nasty thing to say but i’d rather have a bunch of sore losers on my team than not

    last line in particular cuts pretty deep and you do have to wonder if the leafs’ emotional letdown led to their easy dismissal at the hands of the panthers. their best players were completely flat in game 3, which was essentially a must-win for them

    with boston out i thought the leafs were the best team left standing in the east. felt the same way last year too.

  14. Swingersorbust

    You forgot the word ‘pathetic’, Serg.

  15. rungenies

    Must be what happens inside your head when you play in market that gives no fucks about you and you play in front of no one. Gach will never be remembered in Tampa cause people in Tampa dotm give a fuck. Keep playing for nobody in front of nobodies forever, Serg

  16. GLFR_59

    Speaking the truth. The leafs get way too much credit for winning 1 playoff round. They celebrated like it was the cup. Embarrassing to be honest, also allowing that to happen says a lot about the leadership group in the room and surrounding the team ie Coach, GM, players.

  17. No-Produce-1654

    Honestly the way people see Leaf fans is infuriating. Every single fan base has obnoxious, annoying people in it. This perception that all Leaf fans are one way is absolutely idiotic. I’ve been a Leaf fan for 30 yrs and I don’t think a single series win should be celebrated beyond a day or so. I didn’t chant “we want Florida” like those morons outside the arena who are mostly ignorant bandwagon jumpers anyways. I hate the Bruins and have found many of their fans insufferable but I’m not gonna pretend that’s the way they all are. I’ve talked with fans from many other teams respectfully and have found that the truest hockey fans can look beyond the team you root for and don’t immediately label you one way or another.

    So when I hear quotes like this or ignorant people shitting on Leaf fans, I shake my head because they continually confuse the media and a handful of idiots for the entire fanbase. Trust me, I hate the media coverage of it as well but it seems most people who hate the Leafs have are simply tired of seeing a popular team covered a lot more than theirs.

    I’m expecting a lot of downvotes for no real reason, which will basically prove my point but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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