@Toronto Maple Leafs

Maple Leafs news/trade talk! Matthews, Nylander, Brodie!

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  1. Is there not a player out there that is as good or better then nylander, two way, score as well and cheaper. Go ahead tell me there is not . Will sign 9. Mil or under long term.

  2. They don't need more offensive defenseman. I would be happy with dumba. You can trade brodie by all means and Pesce would be a decent add too

  3. it is time too break up the core 4, Nylander wants too much money, try too see if there is a trade with carolina for Pesce and Jarvis, if you can get Pesce signed, Nylander is a 1 dementional player, in my day we would call him a CHERRY PICKER, he plays no defence and dosent back check. There is a trade to be had here for WILLY, nows the time too do it,

  4. Nylander and Brodie straight across for Karlsson, saves the Leafs $300,000 +…

    Then they just picked up Mat Dumba, with out giving up anything!!!

    Now if we traded Matt Murray, Muzzin and Robertson frees up $11 Million for Hellebyck from Winnipeg, we would have a stronger defence and a Vessna trophy winner!!!

    As for the line ups, you put Reilly with Litjegren, Karlsson with McCabe, Klimgberg with Dumba, Giordano, with Timmins being the seventh, trading off with McCabe and Giordano, so they don't burn out, sorry for the spelling!!!

    With Reilly and Karlsson on the first PP, with Klimgberg and Dumba the second paring PP!!!

    Get away from putting one defence man on the PP, first pairing has the puck movers, while the second has the shooters, making a different look for the PP and harder to play against!!!

    Then the rest of the defencemen, being the PK parings, so the high paid Defence, don't get picked off with slap shots at the net!!!

    What you have now, is an offensive defenseman, with a checker!…

    Let the skating defence attack, while you are making a forward line change, is always putting the puck, in the offensive zone, where the games are won!!!


  5. Great talk yet again … I was for years wanting to trade Nylander up to a couple of weeks ago. I now think we let him play it out , make our offer and if he walks we deal with best we can . Unless a great trade if offered of course.

  6. Nike – grow your sole. Yeah, sole, it'd be kinda weird if they said "soul" considering the heinous things that company has been up to…

  7. our defense is horrendous for the playoffs. so hopefully they'll be making trades later in the 2024

  8. What metrics are you reading that Brodie was good last year, there were plays in the playoffs where he was literally a pylon and watched players skate past him with the puck, that is not elite defensive . Get rid of Brodie and Lilligren and Timmins for picks. Best defense we can try to get in this order are Larsson, Zadorov, Manson, Pesce, Tanev. Not saying any will come to TO but all those would be better then Brodie to play with Rielly and all are making less money. Then get Bogosian 850k or sign Cal Foote 800 to 900k and you will almost be cap compliant there and have 2 more physical defense. I think Laggesson 775k (added from CAR) will be a good 3rd pair defense also at a good price, also a defensive physical D. Out of the 5 D mentioned to pair with Rielly , the first 3 are more physical, Tanev and Pesce are not as physical so less desired.

  9. Trade Jarnkrok & Brodie. Send down Giordano. That is all the Leafs need to do on that aspect. Bring up Abruzzese and or Holmberg.

  10. Brodie stays!! nylander goes and get a stay home dman. Trade Robertson he is always hurt and wont be big enough for the playoffs. Bring Timmins in and trade Lilgren simply because he can't handle the playoffs.

  11. If you want to make it a full time gig you've done great. Don't apologize and just give the solid content. Every perspective you have people compare to what they want in their heads. Have fun with it and do you buddy!

  12. Good points on Brodie. There's too many Einstein's out there who are like " uh duh yeah, just trade Brodie, cap problem solved". Don't want to see Leafs continuing to shuffle depth players in and out, just so that it frees up money to overpay the so called core. Time for Leafs to change the approach, and they can start by playing hardball with Prince William. Need to send a message, because the next member of the brat pack is up for extension next summer.

  13. How is it they didn't get Vladimir Tarasenko for only 5 million? You could've called it the Core Five with him on the team.

  14. Trade Matthews for two instagram models , or trade Marner for 20% off your first 3 orders of skip of dishes

  15. So this
    CAR: Mitch Marner, TJ Brodie
    TOR: Brett Pesce, Seth Jarvis, too prospect, 1st round Pick, 2nd round Pick, 4th Round Pick
    -reason to trade Marner and keep Nylander: Marner is literally invisible in the playoffs, why trade that playoff talent like Nylander, plus
    Marner is greedy, and only cares about money, he doesn’t care about winning, he wants a payday over a cup too in 2024, trade that bozo
    -after doing this trade sign Patrick Kane

  16. I’m not a leafs fan but if they trade Brodie they can get zadorov he’s cheaper and younger big and can play on your top 4

  17. True – we will have brutality at the back end and sweet at the front . Seems basic until we meet the skilled teams. Look Tree is bringing in a new look ~ what do you think ?

  18. Can someone help me understand something: William Nylander and Jake Guentzel's contracts are both expiring in the 2024-25 season and they're similar players but Guentzel had 2 40-goal season where Nylander only had 1. Does that mean that Guenztel is also a 10+ million dollar player or are the Pens going to give him a contract similar to Crosby (8.7 million). I just want to understand this because a lot of players can score 40+ goals a season and I don't see all of them asking for 10+ million.

  19. I personally want to keep Nylander but if they can’t I say they pick up the phone immediately and call up Carolina. Offer them Willy for Pesce and Jarvis. Yes it’s hard replacing 40 goals but Jarvis is no slouch and great young player who will only get better and cheaper to resign. Has also been great in the playoffs I believe. And of course Brett Pesce would be the best defensive defenceman this team has had in decades. If you want to get better in other areas and becoming more well-rounded team, you have to give up something to get something.

  20. Posts show how stressful & unhealthy it is for NHL players to play in Toronto. They show how successful Leaf players are once they leave the Leafs – like Kessel & his multi Stanley Cup victories. If Leaf fans are truly interested in Matthews & Nylander’s best interests – shouldn’t Leafs fans encourage both of these players to 1) honestly play as hard as possible while they play out their full contracts with the Leafs, and 2) support both of these players to take the best offer any NHL team offers either of these players. Both might stay or both might go – but this way Leafs fans & players don’t get seen as being greedy & if these players end up in the USA – they might be as successful as Kessel.

    Maybe Leaf fans & Executives should take the high road & cheer on both of these players – even if they leave to reduce stress and to have a better chance of Stanley Cup success?

    Doing the right thing is sometimes hard – but it is noble. The noble thing is for Leafs fans to encourage Nylander & Matthews to look out for their best interests & to cheer them on even if both decide to leave. They might just become NHL champions like Kessel after they leave Toronto.

  21. Keeping Both Matthews and Nylander would be totally short sighted… This day and age in the NHL you can't have 1/3 of your cap on the top two lines! If there is anything we've learned from the Vegas/Florida series is you need a balanced team with good 3rd and 4rth line depth and especially a strong Defensive core! If not then expect another 100+ Point season followed by an early exit out of the playoffs yet again… Oh well… At least you'll profit from selling more Matthews and Nylander jerseys I guess…

  22. Brad has wanted to trade Brodie as soon as he took over….i think its part of his "revamping the blue line'

  23. Nope sit down and talk with Tavares and trade him and eat part of his salary this will free up money and let you make your top player Captain.

  24. I think you are correct in Nylander waiting on Matthews to sign and he is probably right to do so. Why should he take a discount so they can give it to Matthews? I would trade Nylander, I think the poor defensive play offsets any benefit of the offense but I can understand why he doesn't want to fund Matthews's, highest salary in the league.

  25. Dude there's answers here. Brodie has positive trade value. Trade him for picks. Sign Dumba for less than 5m. Stopgap or not.

  26. I'll take Dumba drilling a guy in the corner over a Brodie belly flop stick swing every day all day.

    I mean he has mastered the imbeat let me blindly swing my stick backwards and hope the pass is on the ice weird maneuver but come on man. Keep your gap and frigging ride and paste. That guy with the puck shouldn't even be there to begin with. Let's start hitting guys again eh?

    Games too fast for contact at the blue line? My ass! Hip check that mf'er if he's getting by ya! Hip checks are legal hits! The problem is nobody has the fn jam to stand uo for themselves after they do it.!

  27. Has anyone ever seen Nylander arrive first in the corners to pick up a lose puck and chance getting hit ?

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