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Phil Jackson Screamed at Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg at a Celtics-Lakers Game

Matt Damon recalls the time he and Mark Wahlberg attended Game 5 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Celtics and Lakers and were screamed at by Phil Jackson for cheering for the Celtics.

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  1. Matt Damon is a piece of garbage!! He thinks we should give our guns to the government yet he makes millions of dollars portraying somebody with a gun in his Jason Bourne series! Stupid hypocrite!!!

  2. I thought MAtt was never coming back to the USA if Trump won in 2016…. in HAHAHVARD YOD front steps where he PAHK's his CAHR.

  3. Pause at the 1.12 mark. What’s with that patch of hair? What’s with that hairstyle?

  4. I have never seen Matt Damon in person, but I have seen Wahlberg and the man is maybe 5’2 and he had lifts on. Mark Jackson is 6’8 he could step on Wahlberg if he wanted.

  5. Word has it that coach Phil Jackson appears at all of Matt Damon movie premieres and yells at him not tonight mother effer !!!

  6. "get everybody out of the way, mother——–"……….that sounds like a 44% career shooter to me, Kobes

  7. Phil is a jerk, he even looks down on the black players he coaches!!!! Being born in North Dakota is hard to get out of your system

  8. Let me "Matt-Splain" things to you, Matt: On-screen, you and Mark are fantastically talented and entertaining. But in court-side, million-dollar, seats you're just snot-nosed blowhards nobody wants to see or hear from. (Now, How'd ya like dem apples?!)

  9. If Kobe walked by me and said "not tonight motherfuckers" I would have it tattooed on my rib cage

  10. I'm sure Jack Nicholson was present at the game as he normally would on home court. If only Leo was there, we could've had a Departed scene, maybe involving betting, unfolding right in the thick of an old firm rivalry.

  11. Celtics still haven’t won a legit championship since the 80s. Paul Pierce couldn’t sniff a conference finals. Ray Allen couldn’t get close. I think Garnet got there once. All 3 just weren’t good enough players to carry a team to the nba finals. So they cheated by bringing 3 all stars together on the same team. Just like lebron does on every team he goes to. Completely illegitimate championship.

  12. I love it Kobe but the way you telling the story is like action movie ! I love your voice Matt ! great actor ! I missing KOBE !:(( Hope he is still alive !

  13. Lakers fan here great stories. Hope there are more laker Celtics finals in my lifetime… RIP kobe

  14. How is this strange to this "man"? He's literally sitting right next to all the Lakers and their organization while screaming support for the other team. Go sit with the Celtics. Pay for your own tickets.

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