@New York Islanders

Parise helped off after taking fluke high stick at centre ice

Zach Parise had to be helped off the ice after taking a high stick at centre ice from Tom Wilson.


  1. you can see the blade of wilson hit parise's stick between his hands and ricochets upwards towards parise's face

  2. That was no fluke! Watch this video very closely and and can see that Wilson brought his stick up into Parise's face! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

  3. Fluke?? 0:36 You can see his stick change direction from a bad spot to a higher, worse spot…

  4. If you watch closely on the slow motion he has his stick down and right as he goes by Parise he moves his stick upwards and then he just skates away

  5. Completely intentional. If Wilson doesn't get at least 10 games (I feel 20), the Department of Player Safety should just be disbanded.

  6. Its a "fluke" because the toe of Wilson's stick hit the shaft of the other and forced it upwards.

  7. It looked like Wilson didn't move his stick fast enough as he passed Parise. Definitely not intentional but not a fluke as well

  8. I can see a possible accidental, but even as a caps fan I could see a case of it being intentional since the stick goes up and he's looking that way instead of angling the stick down. Calling it a fluke is fake news.

  9. "accidental" "fluke" you guys need to Google the definitions of these words.

  10. As a Caps fan, not a fluke, totally on purpose. You can see as he looks at Parise he jerks the stick up right into his face. I like Wilson a lot, probably more than more Caps fans, but that was unnecessary and I wouldn't be upset if there was a suspension. Doubt it, but we'll see.

  11. That looked like Wilson wanted to do for payback from Parise punching Wilson even thou Wilson deserved it, it would make sense if he did it on purpose he does cheap stuff like that all the time, plus parise has a cut eye and an upper body injury, for sure was on purpose, 4 game suspension, he even looked his way 10 seconds before contact, in glad Stewart punched the crap out of him in a fight, SUSPEND HIM, otherwise he's gonna keep doing this stuff

  12. I HATE Wilson he injured my favorite player on my favorite team ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ข

  13. Wilson should have gotten a major and GM for high sticking, even if he claims there was no intent. A player is responsible for his stick, and Wilson had his too high. But like others have already said, this is not a fluke.

  14. doesnt really seem like a fluke, Wilson clearly could see him coming for a second or 2. long enough to get his stick blade up to Parise's head. but idk im just a fan so

  15. Lol if he didn't exaggerate he would have still had his head open and would have been able to avoid the second collision. But because he exaggerated he just made things worst for himself

  16. As many players that carry that stick up high like that, it amazes me this doesn't happen more often.ย  That is why they are professionals though I guess.

  17. I think he was trying to lift it over him. Either way it should be a double minor, as should when Wilson got blatantly two handed in the face later in the game to the point of needing stitches but that wasn't even called, but should be a suspension

  18. 0:35 – It happens so fast that I can't imagine it was intentional, but what is Wilson doing with his stick?ย  Nobody is even near him.ย  He turns around,ย clearlyย has vision of the players/iceย on that side of the rinkย and raises his stick in the air?

  19. Yeah that looked deliberate to me. When you accidentally do something you look straight away. Wilson lined him and actually stuck his stick out further. And with the hand eye coordination and split second decision making of nhl'ers, thats inexcusable.

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