@Anaheim Ducks

Jakob Silfverberg Appears To Kick Puck Into Net But Goal Stands After Review

Anaheim Ducks forward Jakob Silfverberg appears to have directed the puck in with his skate but after review it is determined that it was a good goal.


  1. Man, this scoreboard is awful. Why in the world is it in the bottom. It constantly is blocking the puck when it is along the near boards

    Also way too much bullshit on the ticker talking about baseball etc.

  2. What kind of drugs are they on in Toronto? Do they even understand English? Distinct kicking motion! That twice now!

  3. How about we say when the blade left the ice, it's a kick? At this moment, I honestly think Sabres should have kept Ralph Kruger so that he can teach the players how to "redirect" the puck into the net with his soccer knowledge as a coach :/

  4. These refs have either lost the rule book or they're trying to endorse their chances of officiating in the wrestling rink.

  5. Just allow kicking and soccer headers already. I can see not allowing holding the puck in hand and throwing it in and bicycle kicks but anything else is good.

  6. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal! Goooal! gooal! Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!!!!!!!

    -spanish futbol announcer somewhere

  7. I know you don’t need to be, but as a soccer player that is 100% how you score goals in soccer…the sport where you kick it in the net…haha how did that count

  8. I'm a fan from the beginning, anaheim being my hometown, and that was kicked in. Should not have been a goal. What the hell is happening to the officiating?

  9. Cool. Now refs don’t understand goalie interference or what a kicking motion is. We’re getting more and more incompetent. Turning into a real fun sport to watch. 😒

  10. First the Nate Thompson goal and now this one. I dont get what the refs are looking at. They high as foooooook🤦‍♂️😭

  11. At this point with all this BS, why don’t they just change the rule so That you can kick the puck in if you want?

  12. Guarantee they let that stand as their argument would be he was adjusting his foot to make a turn into the corner. Everyone and their dog knows he kicked at it deliberately. SMDH

  13. wtf is going on with this call. First in calgary, now here?? When is the nhl going to address this, it doesn’t make any sense.

  14. So what do we all think. Do refs just suck or are the heads of NHL with agendas letting certain teams win. Or both?

  15. Damn the refs this season. Really blundering some calls this season. His right foot is lifted and moved in the direction of the goal. That was a kicking motion.

  16. Distinct kicking motion. I think games would be better and more fair without the officials this year.

  17. This is the worst rule in hockey. And the one they always get wrong. Unless the puck deflects off you, anything that goes off a moving skate that's pointed towards the net shouldn't be good.

  18. Refs are making their way into Steve’s Dang It’s again. Looks like kicking will be allowed this season.

  19. I agree it was a kick, as a ducks fan, but if the Nate Thompson goal in the Winnipeg jets versus Calgary Flames game isn’t considered a kicking motion, then nothing is. The refs and the NHL need to get their game together and decide what the hell a kicking motion is.

  20. Again, by rule, this is a good goal in the NHL. By the spirit of the rule though, this should not be allowed at the NHL level and I completely disagree with the rule as written. The NHL deems that if the skater does not lift his skate off the ice and does not kick with a distinct pendulum kicking motion, the goal is good. Maybe the 2nd worst rule in the NHL (after the asinine trapezoid rule) and one that never should have been changed to allow goals like this one. They made the right call in the end, but I don't like to see goals like that count. That's not hockey.

  21. How is this allowed? Who reviewed this goal, Stevie Wonder? It is calls like these that lead me to believe they can't do their jobs properly to ensure the integrity of the rules in this league.

  22. Forever one of the calls they apparently can never get right. They should just change the rule to you shouldn't be allowed to even redirect it with your foot. Would save the distinct kicking motion argument or not. Then you'd just have to argue did it just hit him and go in or did they try to redirect it. Its hockey. You use your stick to control the puck and score. Shouldnt be allowed to redirect the puck in the net for a goal with your foot anyways

  23. The problem lies with how the rule is written. It is not descriptive enough and left to interpretation by individual refs and workers in the war room. We can see in the comments. Some agree, some don't. Nothing wrong with that. I still love the game to bits!

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