@Florida Panthers

Brad Marchand hits Patric Hörnqvist at the red line

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  1. He didn't even try to not get hit, no quick pass, no firm shoulder, just here's my chest

  2. Why bother even posting this? It's not a big hit (to anyone besides Jack Edwards) or questionable or anything.

  3. Yeah, clean hit. That's why Marchand was looking at the replay, so he can get his timing right to make it a proper dirty hit next time.

  4. The Boston announcers are the most pathetic in the league! Arrogance and ignorance are raised to outstanding levels with these two spouting off! The colour dude has the voice inflections of a three year old but not that level of intelligence!!

  5. Why is this even a clip? Thats a basic ass check, he fell down so what? Its not like he got leveled or anything.

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