@National Hockey League

Who won the Erik Karlsson trade history

Who won the Erik Karlsson trade history

by ViolinistMean199


  1. Oiler_boiler

    It depends on how you look at it, for instance the Canadians and the sharks aren’t looking for win now there looking for long term build up, while the pens are just looking to get another cup before Crosby is done.

  2. HisNameWasShagbark

    For a cup race, penguins.

    For a long play I think SJS. This opens them up with more financial options and to bring on stronger talent to win in 2-4 years.

  3. palpytus

    Sens got Norris and Timmy Stutzle so they win long term on this. Pens got a decent deal in the short term that may help them contend in Crosby’s last couple years

  4. picklesaredry

    Dubas waved his wand, in what world are you able to unload petry and granlund pay 1 and 2 round picks and get a Norris winner?

  5. Shiny_Mew76

    Senators got one of the best young players in the league. Tim Stutzle is enough to make them win this trade tree alone.

  6. Medschoolmonkee


    Pens if he stays healthy this year and plays a full season and sniffs anything close to the production he had last year (immediate short term winner)

  7. oliferro


    They got rid of two players who didn’t really have a place on the team and got a top 6 defender, a young prospect, a goalie and a second round pick

  8. Kangaro00

    I don’t think it’s fair to compare a trade for a much younger player and the picks that one team already turned into roster players and the other haven’t even received yet.

    If in the next 10 years Sharks win a cup and Sens don’t, do the Sharks also win the trade?

  9. toonman27

    As of now, value for value, the Senators.

    One factor that could change this when it’s said and done is if the Pens somehow win the Cup with Karlsson? That’s mission accomplished.

  10. _6siXty6_

    Long term – Sens
    Short term – Pens

  11. Tkachuks-Mouthguard

    Sharks legend Mike Hoffman returning home to San Jose!

  12. Constant-Squirrel555

    Sens won in the long run, SJS gets a WCF final run out of it but lose in the long run cuz they couldn’t do a proper retool.

  13. cshoemaker694

    I feel Ottawa did slightly better than Pittsburgh, and that is saying something. The Sharks took huge losses both ways.

  14. Novanator33

    Ottawa initially, for the second part i’d actually say the sharks, montreal wins bc they get rid of hoffman while adding picks/assets but those types of things get done on any deal so its a good job there, Pittsburgh gets the best player to hopefully give sid one more chance at a cup but that team still has major holes that EK wont fix. San jose gets picks, assets, and cap space, they moved the supposably unmovable contract and received assets to help their rebuild, EK hurts them in the short term and long term in SJ bc he demands significant cap and ice time especially on the PP, which hamstrings the development of your young prospects that you are tryin to rebuild around.

    Ottawa initially, now SJ, and obviously EK because he gets to play on a contender in a better tax situation. SJS and grier lost a 33yo injury prone norris caliber offensive-minded dman who isnt great at defense, got picks, tradable assets and cap space. This is addition by subtraction, are they a better team in SJ now, no, but they have significantly more potential to do more things, saw $34 mil in cap space next season, to rebuild correctly.

    Pittsburgh: B its a high risk gamble
    Montreal: A- for making smart trades
    SJ: A for the above reasons

  15. VermicelliFit9518

    Pens and Sens equally.

    They both fleeced the other teams for exactly what they needed. Sens got an elite young talent to build around for the future, Pens got the Norris trophy winner to help them win now.

    The sharks lost though. Hell did they ever lose.

  16. Novus20

    I think we need to wait to see how this plays out first….JFC off season posts are the worst

  17. JustSixTrees

    Stutzle on his own would’ve won them the trade, adding Norris makes them clear winners. Pittsburgh did well to add Karlsson now to try and get another cup with their core but the future after they retire looks bleak at best right now. Montreal did solid getting a pick and DeSmith, as well as flippable assets. San Jose lost overall but got decent value back considering how little salary they retained

  18. Several-Ad-6924

    As a Pens fan, I give it up to the Sharks. First, they basically hand us the Cup in 2016. Now they’re doing everything they can to help us win in 2023-04. What a gracious group of losers you’ve been! 😂

  19. WrekkmeRalph

    If Pittsburgh wins a Cup, Pittsburgh. Stutzle and Norris are amazing players but if the Sens never win with them then it has to go to the Cup team for sure.

  20. Hutch25

    We don’t know yet because we haven’t seen either side make use of their assets.

    The Sharks traded for trade pieces which they haven’t been able to use yet

    Pittsburgh got a new top line defence, we haven’t seen if he will have last years production again.

    Montreal for nice depth to add to their team, again we haven’t seen if it’s working out yet.

    As of right now, I think the Sharks won because they got rid of 11 million in cap space with 13% retention. That’s crazy. Not to mention, Pittsburgh who is a team with tremendous amounts of defensive issues just traded for a defence who isn’t any good at defence, so I’m interested to see what that’ll look like. On paper they traded depth and middle 6 players for a norris winner, but we are all forgetting that ridiculous contract he has and how much of it Pittsburgh has gotta pay.

    But, overall it’s way too early to tell. Ask again in in June and a better answer can be given.

  21. HanSolo5643

    Ottawa and Pittsburgh. Ottawa for the long term. They got draft picks and prospects that have helped them build the core they currently have for years to come.

    Pittsburgh for the short term. They get a guy in Eric Karlsson who should help Pittsburgh right now and potentially help Crosby and Malkin and Letang go on one last run.

  22. rlxdengineer

    Idk who won but karlsson lost. His glory days was that one season in Ottawa where they went to conference final and lost. He injured himself while doing that. Hated his last years in Ottawa due to team mate being a dink. Went to sharks who were aging and not going to win and now to aging pitsburg. Kinda wish he went to younger teams with longer open window

  23. IndividualMixture777

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