**Monday, July 31 – Sunday, August 06**
###Top Remaining Posts
| score | comments | title & link |
| 214 | [76 comments](/r/caps/comments/15i1qug/chilly_willy_here_to_stay/) | [Chilly Willy here to stay!](https://twitter.com/capitals/status/1687470742705709056?s=46&t=ahqwSpZX0KLBbSzlcsDT4w)|
| 125 | [15 comments](/r/caps/comments/15en1qm/happy_birthday_to_dale_hunter_caps_fan_favorite/) | `[Photo]` [Happy birthday to Dale Hunter, Caps fan favorite, 1998 captain and 2012 interim coach!](https://i.redd.it/xm78k5vt9cfb1.png)|
| 46 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/15gd7w4/my_dudes_and_babes/) | `[Photo]` [My dudes and babes](https://imgur.com/dXSLdhf)|
| 40 | [2 comments](/r/caps/comments/15h68pp/just_noticed_this_youth_hockey_van/) | `[Photo]` [Just noticed this youth hockey van.](https://i.redd.it/1rii6yd0rwfb1.jpg)|
| 21 | [28 comments](/r/caps/comments/15i4k2g/likelyhood_of_oshie_not_finishing_his_contract/) | `[Trade]` Likelyhood of Oshie not finishing his contract with the team?|
| 14 | [20 comments](/r/caps/comments/15eirrf/if_you_could_choose_the_song_for_any_player_that/) | If you could choose the song for any player that plays after they score a goal, what would you choose?|
| 13 | [1 comments](/r/caps/comments/15i2wit/capfriendly_breakdown_of_tom_wilsons_contract/) | [[CapFriendly] Breakdown of Tom Wilson’s contract](https://twitter.com/capfriendly/status/1687473944775864320?s=46&t=k0wU8oHGjg41a52n1vlAHg)|
| 13 | [35 comments](/r/caps/comments/15juene/just_heard_pens_traded_for_erik_karlsson/) | `[Trade]` Just heard Pens traded for Erik Karlsson…|
| 6 | [2 comments](/r/caps/comments/15h5vhp/washington_capitals_news_drake_loves_the_showers/) | [Washington Capitals News: Drake loves the showers, is Kuzy trade request not true?](https://starsandsticks.com/2023/08/02/washington-capitals-news-drake-loves-the-showers-is-kuzy-trade-request-not-true/?a_aid=46089)|
| 2 | [1 comments](/r/caps/comments/15evur3/your_weekly_rcaps_roundup_for_the_week_of_july_24/) | Your weekly /r/caps roundup for the week of July 24 – July 30|
by subredditsummarybot
1 Comment
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