@Montreal Canadiens

The Paralleled Careers of Lundqvist and Price

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Henrik Lundqvist and Carey Price are two of the best NHL goalies to ever play. Despite both playing on mediocre teams their whole career, they carried these franchises to deep playoff runs. While both are have stopped playing professional hockey, they shared a shockingly similar career of success, failure, and disappointment.

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  1. I am a Blackhawks fan through and through (for better or worse), but if Carey Price ever managed to recoup sufficiently and return to the ice, I would be freaking ECSTATIC.

  2. In the last 20 years, neither one of them should or would be considered the best.
    2 losers who had 1 good run each
    Chris Osgood should be considered elite then by your standards.

  3. It’s crazy that you didn’t even mention that Price won the Hart and Ted Lindsay in 2014-15 (quite literally the 2nd goalie ever to do so)

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