@New York Rangers

Ranger Game Reaction Game Round 1 Game 7┃NYR- 0 NJD- 4! CALL THE TAXI!

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  1. I saw blow it up
    Then they give a glimmer of hope
    But I'm sticking to my guns on this one.
    Blow it up. Top to bottom. They mentality and leadership suck

  2. If it wasn't for Shesty, this game should have been 8-0. How do you give Zero-Effort in
    a Game-7 Playoff game. So weird!… I saw more
    effort in a pre-season game. Fox & Kreider were by far the most terrible this game.

  3. Honestly, I was never feeling this team. I was calling out Panerin since last playoffs and all season this season but literally no one wanted to call him out until towards the end of this season by which it was obviously too late. Now even Steve Valiquete is ripping him up and down. Then they said the trades of Tarasenko and Kane were going to fix everything. Then they said wait wait wait… let them gel…. we waited and waited and the Rangers are eliminated. This is the philosophy of our garbage organization – get star players to sell tickets who are lazy and do nothing and embarrass New York. Disgusting.

  4. Again, I don't see The Kid Line as The Line To Break Up, Nor Do I See Them As Anything As The Good 3rd Line That They Are, Right Now (This Is Why All Of Us Owe David Quinn A Huge Apology). Having said that, I'm of The View that We Change The Top 6-7, If They Don't Give Us What Gerard Gallant Said (Talent Isn't The Concern, But, Chemistry – The Ability To Be Playing Together, Always, As A Team – Like The GAG Line). I'm looking at Goodrow (even if He is Decent – For Salary Cap). I'm also seeing Trocheck Gone In 1-3 Years Unless He Can Step Up More Than He Has.

  5. The Only Guy, from An Outside Team I Want To Stay, Vladimir Tarasenko (Kane, only Stays if He Takes $1-2M/yr). Thereafter, I want to See Trades and/or From The Minors. Therefore, you keep Gerard Gallant for This Season, and make The Necessary Changes (Something was Going On Between Gallant $ Trocheck – if anyone knows, let me know).

  6. Watching ranger fans cry and give all these excuses after calling out rangers in 4 and rangers in 5 and shit is just beyond beautiful too see the collapse thanks for the entertainment.

  7. Thinking Things Over, I'm of The View that Chris Drury's Got To Replace Offensive Coach (I think it's Mike Kelly), given The Poor A*s Performance of The Top 6/High Scoring Forwards, and Replace Him With AV (The Logical Reasoning behind this, is, the fact that He is Gerard Gallant's Boy). This means that Gerard Gallant has 2 Choices (Put Up With It Or Quit). If He does The Former, so be it, and, it Might Work. If He doesn't, AV Steps In, and, You Bring Up Knablock As The Offensive Coach (waiting in The Wings – Like We Should Have Done with Lindy Ruff). Let me know what you think.

  8. Before anybody Gets On My Case about, AV, Stop & Think. If AV Can't Get Offense Out Of This Talent, Then, Start Trade Waterfall ASAP

  9. To me the worst thing in sports is the next year talk. Next year I don’t care abt next year. My whole thing was if this team can’t win a cup, then what can we put on the ice that will win it

  10. Rags can now be seen on the following golf channels “CBS, NBC, Golf Channel, ESPN, and USA Network”….lmao

  11. I'm getting tired of all of the "talking heads" gushing about NJ speed. It isn't speed, it's the lack of forechecking, effort, anticipation, and grit on the part of the Rangers.

  12. I've said this for the past 23 years and I'll say it for another 23 years if I live that long. This is simple: So long as Dolan owns the team and so long as Glen Sather has a key to the building, there will be no championship. There will be no Cup. There will be no nothing. Why? Because you have an owner who's only success in life has been the lottery of finding the right adoptive father. And Glen Sather who I can write a book about continuing to hold considerable influence and sway over an organization he has done absolutely nothing for other than waste resources, enrich himself and his family and compile a record that even a season ticket holder could compete with for nearly a quarter of a century. It's the culture created up top.

    Trickle down works both ways. In this case, the failure of leadership from the top spreads through the entire organization. Chris Drury may be a good GM. He may have a lot of potential. He'll never win in NY and the reason is the owner signing his checks and the one-trick pony who has been irrelevant since 1991 to answer to, except of course to the owner.

    That is it in a nutshell. No, Orr, Potvin, Brodeur, Lemieux, Howe and Bossy in their primes could fix the cancers Dolan/Sather.

  13. Well, the season is over folks. I can honestly say as a Rangers fan, the better team won this series. The only Ranger player that I truly feel bad for, is Igor Shesterkin, who really gave it his all, but couldn't overcome his team's offensive liabilities. Changes are coming, and they drastic changes need to happen. The Rangers are not built for a long playoff run. They are slow, weak, have little size, and need to get new some new players.

  14. 4jets

    Really starting to feel like the penalties in the first two games were the difference…. Idk why the Rangers couldn’t get those calls again game 3-4, they really needed them… and don’t get me started on game 5. I guess that schmid guy technically had better stats than shesturdkingbut idk, that shouldn’t matter! Not after dropping two in msg… game 6 was better! Refs finally! This game has referees for a reason and once again the Rangers showed us what’s up. 5-4 is the way to win. Game 7 needed more of that. They tried but it wasn’t enough. Idk what happened. The devils aren’t even that good…. Right?

  15. This guy’s rants are great!
    I am subscribing so I can hear more of this next year 😂

  16. Why are our “kids” taking so so long to develop and thrive? Is it Gallant? Quinn?

    We need to get these kids minutes and in situations that they can experience and thrive???

    Shesty played awesome. His stats are phenomenal

    And you are right, he is wasting away with this BS in front of him

  17. Your rangers need to face the reality: time to rebuild.

    Start by getting your wasted picks and perhaps a decent prospect or two, by – brace yourselves – TRADING SHESTERKIN. That's right. Try to get what you can for him now; don't wait for him to walk at his earliest opportunity, because you know he will.

    Besides, HE deserves far better than YOUR pathetic franchise.

    But you know what as well? YOU, the ranger fanbase, also deserve far better.

    I been preaching this for decades, to the legions of daft Leafs devotees. These franchises have been making major bank off you suckers! Why?

    Also JSYK: No team is going to give more than an 8th round pick for that bum Panarin, AND if they have any intelligence whatsoever, they will insist the rangers eat most of that ridiculous salary on top. And we could really say much the same, for pretty much EVERY 'star' you would wish to jettison right now.

    I would end here with some encouragement for you all, for next year; but you know even better than I, that your team will be playing the draft lottery for years to come.

  18. I told you a month ago how stupidly constructed this team was too much east and west… every puck battle won by nj …

  19. The devil's wanted this more they play like they wanted in more they won every 50/50 battle and the rangers by the way core the rangers might be in 50 years of hockey but I've watched the worst for checking team I've ever seen in my life they never play gaps okay you have to play gaps you have to take away space and time how many f**** times do I have to watch New Jersey skate at the ice with nobody in their face the reason Florida beat the bruins is because every time one of the bruins had the puck there was a Florida Panthers stick-on but in his f**** face the raiders never play gaps this coach is clueless last year the rangers had pretty good Gap control in games .. in the first two games are gaps were pretty good they were for checking they were playing hard in the neutral zone it was slowing New Jersey down the next five games… I mean how in the world you come back to MSG endgame for after you lost it over time the night before and f**** laid egg in front of 19,000 people

  20. My prediction is that Joel quenneville will be the new coach of the New York rangers within a couple of weeks a guy that will absolutely make players accountable

  21. And I want to tell you this when is the last f**** time the rangers drafted somebody I mean a forward or center that actually f**** was good

  22. It's a collection of talent and just like the Yankees when they couldn't win and they would grab all the stars but they had no chemistry

  23. You have to trade one of these kids and you have to put a third line together that is made up of guys that can score but also complete defense they don't have a real legitimate third line brother

  24. Stupidly constructed by Drury… It's not really Lamborghini you needed Lamborghini but besides that Lamborghini you need a Ford pickup truck they don't have any Ford pickup trucks all right

  25. I would have sat Panera in for Johnny brazinsky least pruzinsky do some f**** energy at least Johnny will play able to go in and knock somebody this is most unfair single most ridiculous pathetic unmotivated team in the seventh game I've ever seen in my life and I've been a rangerd
    a fan since 1970 f****

  26. If Mike Keenan was the coach of this team artemi panarin would have been sitting on his ass how many times have to watch his blind stupid back and passes he would have gotten the first assist on the jack Hughes 😅 breakaway

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