Coyote’s contract with Diamond (Bally) Sports is probably at a higher risk than other NHL teams as they are the last remaining major team on Bally Sports Arizona. It was also reported yesterday by CNBC that TV Station Groups including Gray Television (owner of 3TV, CBS5 and Arizona’s Family Sports 44) and Scripps (Owner of ABC 15, CW61, and ION51) are in talks with the NHL to take over broadcast rights for teams dropped by Bally Sports.
“The NHL has been in ongoing constructive discussion, and we continue to have constructive discussions with others on our potential go forward business relationship, ” Shana Elberg, the NHL’s outside counsel, told a status conference today in the Texas bankruptcy court. “We remain hopeful. And we will continue our efforts to get to a place that works for all parties as debtors (Diamond) continue to negotiate with us and a number of their other key stakeholders.”
“Having said that, we recognize there’s a risk that might not happen. And as we think all parties in the court appreciate time is of the essence to the NHL and its clubs. It’s critical that we have certainty as we prepare for the 2023 24 NHL season, our preseason starts on September 23. And our regular season starts on October 10. To be transparent to avoid surprises to the court. We just wanted to make sure the court was aware of if we don’t have any reasonable certainty in the near future, we may be coming back to the court on potentially short notice to request any appropriate necessary relief.”
by powergate92