@National Hockey League

Winnipeg journalist bluntly describes Jets’ dressing room

Winnipeg journalist bluntly describes Jets’ dressing room

by Traditional_Fan_1744


  1. CreateorWither

    Blake and Scheifele seem like huge assholes.

  2. micropterus_dolomieu

    I think this is more common than most people realize. Elite athletes are often catered to throughout their lives and wind up feeling entitled. Especially, when they are young and don’t have sufficient experience to know better. That’s not to excuse it, just an explanation.

  3. Hopfit46

    I cant think of another coach who quit a job of a reasonably talented group.

  4. TrajanBeta

    Was he talking about Winnipeg in general or the team?

  5. Spiritual_Holiday511

    Well, this is sure to be great for the program.

  6. TheCuriousKing

    It’s easy to just make a big broad statement without providing any specifics.

  7. Particular_Tutor_46

    That’s a gutless tweet. Name names or it doesn’t mean shit.

  8. BramptonBatallion

    If you aren’t gonna give names and specifics then what are you even doing.

  9. Joeyjackhammer

    Anyone else miss Claude Noel press conferences?

  10. Sam_Soper

    Needs more context. Dude could very well be a pompous ass who refers to sports as sportball and handegg.

  11. 2BFrank69

    Just shows you what kind of guys Gretzky, Lemieux, Orr, Howe and Crosby are. 5 of the top players ever but always gracious and polite.

  12. TheIowanWatermelon

    Don’t tell Jets fans! They’ll kill your karma and swear on the Bible that Schefeile and Co are the greatest human beings God ever created!

  13. smile_and_wav3

    The players are a reflection of the city that they’re playing in then lol. This turd of a city deserves the Winnipeg blue bombers…maybe…and that is it

  14. arcus_angelus

    Been talking about how the culture needs to change for a couple years now. It staaaaaaaaarted (?) Last year, hopefully this year even more positive strides happen in said change.

  15. natty_mh

    I’d be the worst person a crime reporter ever met too if I was signed by Atlanta and then told the team was moving to Winnipeg.

  16. CleaveIshallnot

    Cause they don’t think you’re “30 years of journalism” should make them at your beck and call when they just finished an adrenaline filled completely exhausting hockey game and probably lost and you were up in their face so they be is pissed off , & because they won’t “respect”your CV?

  17. jfstompers

    Somehow I don’t think spoiled athletes are worse than a bunch of criminals but who knows

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