@Dallas Stars


On Valentine’s Day Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn (Dallas Stars) lied to their moms about proposing to their girlfriends as a prank. For Mother’s Day, Heather Benn and Jackie Seguin prank their sons by enrolling in a sports management course in Dallas and asking to live with them. Upon completion of the course, their moms ask to fire their hockey agents in order to hire them. Hilarious reactions ensue.


  1. Oh man, this was better than the Valentine's Day prank! Love Tyler's reaction after he found out it's TSN

  2. Lmao so hilarious! Tyler really fell it for it! My favorite bit was Jamie giggling at "you're breaking my heart".

  3. Tyler and his mom say "yeah" the same while they're laughing awww. Great video i can see all their mannerisms in their mothers lol

  4. So…Do you think I'd be able to stay with out for 12 months???…AHHHHHHHHH" Had me in tears!!!

  5. Mom: "Could I stay with you for 12 months?"
    Jamie: "(long sigh)…."ya".

    Wow, he didn't even fight it. LOL

  6. Ahaha, their moms are so cute. 😉 I liked how Tyler was explaining all the process to become an agent to his mom. <3

  7. Lol Tyler knew exactly what college she was referring to. He definitely hit up all those sororities.

  8. if there was an award for biggest personal space invader – Cabbie would win it hands down!! you can see that ALOT of athletes he interviews cant stand it or him!

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