@Vancouver Canucks

Canucks Sign Pius Suter, Canes Sign Caleb Jones

Hello everyone from Las Vegas. There are signings to discuss.


  1. For one small, truly insane, and illiterate nanosecond, I thought the Canucks had somehow replaced OEL with Ryan Suter.

  2. My man brought 32 magnets, markers, and a white board to Vegas with him.

    We appreciate the dedication so much. Enjoy your vacation!

  3. Did that fit in your carry on or did you have to check it? Thanks for the news Shannon, but man, just enjoy your vacation!

  4. Give yourself a break and enjoy your vacation . We love your work ethic but it would be good for you to relax.

  5. Bet $100 each on the Blackhawks and Kraken winning the Stanley Cup LOL

  6. Wish you wouldve come during the season-wouldve loved to take you to a Knights game!

  7. Figures the moment he goes on Vacation, the Canucks make a free agent signing. Enjoy your trip Shannon.

  8. I'm on vacation now in Cranbrook bc attending a CLASSIC ROCK WƈEKEND CONCERT. From one vacationer to another , enjoy your holidays Shannon
    and keep up the good work

  9. That's a lot of potential 3rd/4th line centers for Vancouver now, which is honestly a good problem to have. You can never have too much depth down the middle and most of those centers are able to play on the wings as well.

    Interesting to see who will nab that 3rd line center role when the season begins. If one of them actually manages to be solid defensively and put up some points too, that's huge for the Canucks.

  10. I was saying last night how I was still uncomfortable with our center depth. Now that it is no longer the case. Thank you Mr Patrik Allvin sir

  11. Well they've added 5 players now.l im sure they're done adding. Now they need to shed a contract im guessing Garland is gone by training camp someone has to go now

  12. ''Not likely with Mickey in the background with me talking about hockey, that might be kinda weird'' I disagree since Disney owned the Mighty Ducks i think you're perfectly ok to talk about hockey within disneyland

  13. I really appreciate the extra luggage it takes to fly the things needed for videos as I know how pricey and how much of a hassle that can be.

  14. Always like Suter. Part of me wanted him in NJ and this was before we became the NHL's Swiss diplomat. Guy plays the game the right way.

  15. I genuinely laughed out loud when I saw the mini board with the magnets. Now thatā€™s what I call dedication! šŸ˜‚

  16. Haha, I always stay in that particular tower, it's a great view. BTW, that window ledge make a good easel. Love, the dedication, man.

  17. Gonna miss Pius, fantastic depth player on a lot of nights (also played top line at times lol)

  18. love the Suter signing by the Canucks. as a vegas resident, i always wonder why people vacation here during the hottest time of the year, but I respect it! hope your vacation is wonderful!

  19. Suter's a quality player. I think we'll miss him, disappointed we didn't keep him but I guess I'm not a hockey player of GM

  20. One of the engineers I work is in vacation, but he worked it out with the boss to be ā€œworking remotelyā€. I think that should be your new line when you visit places since you donā€™t actually stop making videos

  21. Glad Suter landed a gig in a nice city with a good fan base. Liked him in Detroit. I was somewhat surprised they didn't retain him. Good luck, Pius!

  22. Shannon, we love ya. There's zero need for you to cover players signing their ELCs while you're on vacation, my man. Just relax and spend time enjoying your time away and if you REALLY feel the need, do one big "everything that happened while I was gone" video covering what happened. Much love to you both, and please don't burn yourself out.

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