@Vancouver Canucks

“No I’m not nervous” Canucks rookie Vasily Podkolzin speaks to media before rookie camp

Vasily Podkolzin spoke to the Vancouver media mostly through a Russian interpreter before the start of Canucks rookie camp. The rookie didn’t need the interpreter for a question about being nervous of his new surroundings, answering emphatically in English: “No I’m not nervous.”

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  1. I remember the last time we had a stalky russian kid who needed a translator for a bit. what was his name again? oh let me just check up the rafters there….

  2. Online dating hasn’t been going to well. I think I will pretend I can’t speak English just so I can get a 🔥 translator.

  3. It’s unreal how people read into how his voice sounds and how he acts and how that makes him a beast😂
    First off he’s actually on the smaller side of an NHL player. I have no doubt he will play well but bring him down off the pedestal, at least until he shows. He’s certainly not going to be a beast in the NHL at his size. A beast is like Ovi or Malkin. Try 6’3 plus and over 220 with elite skills. That’s beast material. But I hope the kid does well. I’m an Oilers fan also. Like to see all young players do well.

  4. Lit dident say shit about hoglander besides we speak same language Because he knows his plays gonna take his spot he lit laughed at the question thats some damn confidence we need more of this

  5. Posting it as a separate comment so more people could see 😀

    I'm just gonna translate all the Russian parts so you could understand.

    0:15 – "What has changed over the 3 years, right?"

    – "Yes, how do you feel?"

    – "Lots have changed over these 3 years, I matured both as a person and as a player and came over here ready"

    1:00 – "What is your goal at this camp?"

    – "Get a roster spot, show myself well, that's it"

    1:40 – "We understand there was a lot of pressure from the side of KHL, what do you think about it?"

    – "I don't think of it. Honestly, pressure or no pressure, there have been a few unpleasant moments, but overall I'm happy I spent these 2 years in KHL, in a good system, in a team that gave me the opportunity to play and develop. So I don't have any claims"

    3:15 – "What is the difference…?"

    – "How do you adapt to a new language?"

    – "It's going well, trying to speak to everyone around on my broken English. Slowly getting better, understand everything, and speaking well myself. Just need to work a bit more for the interviews"

    4:25 – "First impression about your teammates on and off the ice"

    – "Honestly, the level is really high. I felt it right from the start of the practices. Off the ice they are very good guys you can talk to, they are always open for a talk or any help."

    5:20 – "What did you see in the city, who showed you the city?"

    – "Well, nobody yet, I've been here 2 times. Visited the city center, Stanley Park. I think everything is ahead of me"

    6:08 – "How do you plan to learn English?"

    – "At the start of the camp I will have a teacher to fix the things"

    6:42 – "Of course I've been following both club and players from the date I've been drafted"

    7:15 – "How were the playoff games?"

    – "Did it bring you extra confidence?"

    – "Yes, it was an important playoff the last year for me. Speaking of confidence, I played really well myself so I've been signing a contract here with a completely different mood"

    8:05 – "We have been drafted together, we played each other at the WJC, so we keep the connection. Went for dinner recently, tried to speak English. Went well"

  6. Handled his first press interview well! Reminds me of a young Mark Messier. I'd put him with Horvat & Hoglander for starters so he can gain his confidence quickly in the NHL.

  7. Удачки тебе, Вася! Топлю за тебя! все норм будет. Жги!!!🔥🔥🔥

  8. Be nice to see the canucks let him explode rather than kill his career with a dump n chase system

  9. Oh, my. No offense, but this translator lady… She's skipping all the details he speaks about and just generalizes all his answers 🙁

  10. Kids 20 n sounds like Ivan drago ahahaha damn but he’s easily in my top 3-4 fav Canucks I hope we keep him for a long time unlike what we did with bure And damn he’s already married 😮 hahaha

  11. Returning to this interview after 7 months – his English has vastly improved, it's really impressive. Can't wait to see him next season.

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