@New York Rangers

Carolina Trades Adam Fox to Rangers for Picks

Didn’t expect a trade today. I will admit that.

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  1. Why have a trade deadline if you can still make trades in the middle of the playoffs even when your team is in the playoffs or not?

  2. Great video as always. But I wanna mention this setup is dope! The jersey view the kinda far away from back wall view it's just an awesome set up dude!

  3. Fox has way more value than two 2nds. I’m happy that Carolina got something back, but let’s not kid ourselves here. Anything less than a 1st is a big win for the Rangers, especially in this relatively weak draft. Leverage or not, maybe the Rangers’ GM didn’t want to rub salt in the wound of the Hurricanes’ GM, considering the unfortunate situation with Fox. Maybe he wanted to stay on good terms for future trades. Maybe another team already made an offer for Fox.

    Also, with the Rangers drafting like 30 players in 3 years once the 2019 draft is complete, in addition to getting one of Kakko/Hughes, they could afford to be more aggressive in getting their guy. Better to play it safe than risk another team trading for him.

    And the best part for the Rangers is that they can play him in the pros this coming season. Giving up a little extra to not stunt his development with another year in the NCAA is more than worth it. The Rangers won this trade before it began.

  4. I think NY could have waited a year and gotten him and had the picks. So this is poor decision making for Gorton.

  5. Vesey a few years ago, now Fox. Are the N.Y. Rangers going to be the home of NCAA players that do not want to sign with teams that drafted them?

  6. I'm happy with the trade. We have a ton of good young defenseman so "losing" Fox is something we can live with and potentially get something more needed with the draft picks.

  7. I think it was a pretty good deal. I'm too crazy about the condition of the 2020 draft pick though

  8. As a Carolina fan, it was not the biggest surprise that Adam Fox was traded, I believe he sees the logjam within the Carolina organization on defense, the current starters are under contract for several seasons and they have players who are " NHL Ready " in Charlotte he was at Prospects camp last Summer and now he wants nothing to do with Carolina, it doesn't add up

  9. Adam Fox is another Jack Johnson…who didn't think Canes were good enough and didn't get a ring… pricks! Glad he is not in this classy organization and they got a couple of picks. Good luck Rangers!

  10. Good luck to Adam….Adam who? So he wants to go play for his fave team? Hartford? Binghamton? Who can keep up with those affiliates in the north east? I’ll take a couple picks and knowing who won the trade just by who is and who ain’t playing golf.

  11. Calgary Flames fans are thinking of Tim Erixon again. Back in 2009 the first round draft pick didn't want to play in Calgary and was ultimately traded to the New York Rangers as was looked upon as a top defensive prospect. Didn't have much of an NHL career. See with Adam Fox but Calgary got a great return in the trade as well Carolina now have draft picks for basically having Adam's rights.

  12. Another good move by Gorton. Thank god he is our gm for this so-far great rebuild instead of sather. We have tons of young players who could be superstars. Not all of them obviously but we have one of the best prospect pools in the Nhl! Can’t wait to see what happens next year. Maybe a playoff spot?

  13. It really is quite amazing to go back and say wow, this was such a great trade. Thank you Carolina!

  14. Your video title is wrong, It should say. 'Carolina Trades Norris Trophy Winner Adam Fox to Rangers for Picks!' 🙂

  15. Watching this two years later after fox wins the norris…rangers were brilliant to pick him up as soon as they knew he wanted to be there

  16. Wtf this just got recommend to me. I first thought the Rangers traded him after three games into this season,holy moly i was scared for a few seconds that actually happend!

  17. 2 years later: Fox, reigning Norris Trophy winner, signs 7 year extension at $9.5 million per. LGR!

  18. I litterly just got this reccomended to me on the day adam got his extention scared me that he just got traded away not knowing this happend lmao.

  19. Getting recommended this video after fox just won a norris and signed a big new contract extension

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