@Tampa Bay Lightning

Perry tries to steal Hossa’s stick

Anaheim Ducks forward Corey Perry has some fun with Blackhawks forward Marian Hossa after the whistle by not letting go of his stick.


  1. IDK, to me his antics became old pretty quickly. I like to think of hockey as a man's sport and to me a real man has class. And I like how Hoss the Boss dealt with it. "Not gonna react to that you little troll, here you go – whatcha gonna do now?". Turns out, nothing.

  2. He wasn't trying to be intimidating. Hawks fans are idiots, at least the fake ones. You guys left you class on the Bandwagon.

  3. Well I thought it was funny. I guess many (not all) chicago fans haven't been around long enough to know that jokes happen and these guys know each other more than you know your own team's players.

  4. I would be ashamed to play with the players like Getzlaf or Perry. Especially Corey Perry is the one that has never been introduced to the world called fair play. I like the way Hossa is over him, he just does not care about such an id**t.

  5. Seems Toews knew what Perry is up to,but acts oblivious, avoiding eye contact and all…Perry = Alpha

  6. I really don't get why people hate on Perry for doinh things like this. Part of the game is to get under your opponents skin. Instead of chirping, he does stuff like this. I don't get how that makes him a troll. He's just doing what he's supposed to do.

  7. I just realized that both Hossa and Perry played in three consecutive Stanley Cup Finals with three different teams.

    Hossa won at the third attempt. Perry lost all three 🙂
    Maybe that was the moment the hossa handed his karma to Perry.

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