@Toronto Maple Leafs

Ellis on early whistle: It’s crazy how that’s not a goal

Predators defencemen Ryan Ellis spoke about the early whistle that nullified a Predators goal and how they will use the loss as motivation.


  1. At the end of the day hockey is a game of inches and close calls, it fair to say that both skill and luck can win you the game. Pittsburgh won 4 and Nashville only won 2. It's not fair to say Pittsburgh didn't deserve it because with both luck and skill they came up on top and they will remember this special moment for the rest of there life's. Here's to a dynasty! Let's go Pens!! Much love to you as well Nashville.

  2. the refs have sucked all playoffs, and this was by far the worst call. hire some 12 year old refs, they would do a better job…

  3. When you complain about that, but the refs also missed 4 or 5 calls on Nashville that weren't called and gave Nashville a power play on a penalty that shouldn't be. The Pens would've likely converted on the Power Play. Hence why they've been working on it and it's been working recently.

  4. If only the Preds had a few Power plays to try and score………..oh wait. 4 PPs 1 5on3……..AWKWARD….

  5. "you come all this way and play an extra 2 months, really for nothing…" what a disgrace to his teammates.

  6. Everyone's trying to find every excuse for why the penguins don't deserve the cup, get over it they won! There probably gonna 3 peat as well.

  7. Couldn't be more proud of our team and fans! Pittsburgh is the city of Champions! Way to play hard boys and bring Lord Stanley back home again! Let's go for a 3peat next year! Shout out to all my pens fans brothers! Let the haters hate, we know how good our team is!

  8. They get mad at that one play but they got 4 power plays! The pens had 0! What's worse is the game was given to you with a 5 on 3 in the 3rd! Take the L and stop complaining about one call!

  9. its crazy how much you trashville fans and players cry after you guys benefited from so many bj's from the refs like game 4 vs the blues.

  10. It's crazy how you guys had like 15 missed shots (I think it was about that). Maybe you could have converted on those.

  11. I don't care if Nashville missed 50 power plays in a single game. It STILL doesn't change the fact that they lost the Stanley Cup over a really bad call by the refs. Period.

    If the situation was reversed, I bet you'd be annoyed with a mistake like this too, so Pens, just be happy you won by the skin of your teeth.

  12. Would he be saying the same thing if the positions were reversed and Pittsburgh had that exact goal disallowed? Or, would he be siding WITH the refs and quoting the rules? I bet that the "hypocrite" is strong with this one.

  13. i must be having a problem with the audio because I see his lips moving but all i hear is waaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaahhhhh Murray saved the puck and the whistle was blown making the play on the ice dead so whether or no he had totally control of afterward is moot point because THE WHISTLE WAS BLOWN! the Preds could have shot hundreds of puck into net it wouldn't have mattered. Get over and try again next year

  14. Its simple goon. You are playing like goons so referee rather blow whistle earlier to prevent any fights which is only thing where you were better then Pens. Dont be surprised that goon tactic = goon result

  15. I'm going to whine about it first and the say "I'm not going to comment on it".   LOL     Big baby

  16. dumbass ref cost us the cup i dont care i the ref did blow the whistle the puck is still live wtf

  17. I've never realized how much people hate rules 1 second and love them the next. How many times did people call for rule changes? And then defend the rule they wanted to change later the playoffs?

  18. It's also crazy that come clutch time, in 2 pivotal games in the Stanley Cup final the Amazing Predators are unable to score once in 120 mins of hockey, yet somehow the (wrongly) disallowed goal they do score, is their excuse for losing, and conversely why the Penguins are the champions. Give me a break. People seem too stubborn to admit that the rest of the NHL has been playing catch up to the Pens for the last 2 years, and they still haven't caught up.

  19. I'm a pens fan. But I have to say that that should of been a goal. Like Football, basketball…they should be able to review and overturn any close call. Even after a whistle. But this wasn't even close, it was obviously a goal. O well. I thought the officiating was mediocre through the whole playoffs.

  20. Refs losing sight of the puck and blowing the whistle early to cut off an offensive threat is not an uncommon occurrence in the NHL, or really in hockey altogether. It's frustrating, but it's an actual rule that the ref is to blow the whistle if he loses sight of the puck. Wanna win next time? Have Pekka Rinne make even 1 save on the road and Nashville sweeps the series.

  21. LOL @ all these NHL level refs in the comment section. Nashville is the definition of a bandwagon fanbase. When they don't make the playoffs for the next 5 years, I wonder how many fans they will have left?

  22. The funniest part of all of this is that Murray was interfered with on the play. Even if the whistle wasn't blown insanely early, the Pens likely challenge and have the goal taken off the board anyway. LOL

  23. Nash. You and your fans need to grow up. You had PK shooting his mouth off poking the bear in the fifth game. Instead of thinking about the game he was doing adds for mouth wash nice. You lost the cup in six games you had you'd ass handed to you in game five. The Ref screwed up and that should have been a goal. that goal didn't give you the win. Petersburg won four games Nashville won two games but think they were the better team how does that work. Take the lesson and move on have some class. Nashville Nashville you suck Nashville Nashville it's all your fault.

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