@Carolina Hurricanes

Haven’t seen this posted but latest update is that svech is on track for opening night.

Haven’t seen this posted but latest update is that svech is on track for opening night.

by The_Reddit_Browser


  1. Darth_Ott3r

    Gonna be honest. After seeing Patches rush back last season and re injure his Achilles, I do not want Svech rushing back. Historically, it still takes a player a full year to fully recover from an injury like this even after being on the ice/field. Not saying I won’t be happy to see him back. I am just saying I would rather be certain he would be back without a risk or re aggrivation or re injury.

  2. denvercaniac

    Glad to see him return but I would prefer as cautiously as possible.

  3. enrobsomada

    Of course! Svech was telling us “I’ll be back in a couple weeks.. :DDDD” when he was in the booth during round one 😛

    Also, being 23 is nice.

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