@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers PTO Update | Sam Gagner In Discussions | Potential Targets

The Oilers Fanatic goes over all the latest in Oil Country!! #Oilers #LetsGoOilers


  1. Mentioned it before but maybe bring in a younger guy who can move, shoot, and has some physically. I know it's asking a lot but there are a lot of guys out there so maybe getting someone who can do two of the three is possible. Great vid as always Patrick. Take care all.

  2. It would be nice if bouch came in closer to 3 5 million. So when do the crystal ๐Ÿ”ฎ and BBQ mits get dusted off

  3. I will lose my mind if Bouchard is not signed this week. I WILL LOSE MY MIND.

  4. Time for Bouch to get signed. Love Sam but not sure if he is the best choice of what you listed. Thanks for the update

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