@Detroit Red Wings

Steve Yzerman’s “Plan” For Detroit Is Getting Really Weird..

Nhl trades news today detroit red wings montreal canadiens jeff petry steve yzerman ” yzerplan ” is getting strange. Nhl highlights 2023 detroit red wings news trade rumors yes there’ve been good moves like moritz seider jake walman dylan larkin contract extension alex debrincat trade and even the jeff petry trade to a certain extent, but this lineup is nowhere near as good as it should be. NHL news today montreal canadiens detroit red wings
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  1. His first year in Tampa, he made a few moves and had that team making NOISE in the playoffs! ECF and that team only lost to the eventual Cup winner.

    Compare what he did in his first three years in Tampa to whatever he's doing now in DET. HUGE difference!

    Like, are Detroit fans honestly content with the moves he's made and with what EVERY other team in the ATL has done/is doing? I really think they'll be lucky to finish 6th O/a in the Atlantic..

  2. So they're barely paying anything for Petry?
    He's still good. Here's solid. At the price they're paying he's a bargain.

  3. Yeah, as a long time Wings fan. I don't have a lot of confidence. I do get a little excited when i see roster changes. However, it's going to be a really long time before the Wings are any good.

  4. The Copp signing was fine. He's a swiss army knife who could reasonably have been expected to score a bit more. The Chairot signing was the first big red flag. Seems like he's trying to put together a veteran team that has a shot at 2 home playoff datrs and a pick somewhere between 17th and 20th. Should have been more patient.

  5. Also. Can someone here tell me what the deal is with Sebastian Cossa? I thought he was the next big thing in NHL netminding. Is he a bust?

  6. I guess if it was easy to get all the player you want for the price you want a lot of team would be better. can't always be a straight line. Still think Yzerman is better than most

  7. Seeing what Mr Y is doing makes me worried what Verbeek will do, because the whole reason Anaheim was hyped on this guy is because he was a product of Yzerman… Although getting ADB was obviously a good move

  8. Head scratching moves lol, yea like your D prospects who are supposed to be your strength now being roadblocked by 35 year old defenseman signed to multi year deals. Lol. No wonder he was sprinting to the podium to grab Sandin Pelica.

  9. I think people overestimated how quickly the Red Wings would turn around. This rebuild was always bound to be a long one, and it's clear that they're rebuilding from within, which always takes a long time.

  10. Pens fan here, totally disagree my friend. I think Detroit is a bubble team who might steal a spot.

    They still have young studs in Larkin, Debrincat, Seider, Raymond, Berggren, Husso. And then you surround them with sold vets who can help the team compete “now” and grow your guys? Look out.

    And that Dcore looks really solid to me tbh.

    Also Husso is a stud and Reimer is a solid back up, not sure why you hated on the goalies.

  11. It was a lot easier for him to convince good players to stay in Tampa for lower cap hits with the warm weather and no taxes there that it is in Detroit

  12. What do you think yzerman could of done to make this team look "really good" like you said?

  13. As a Sabres fan, I'm very confused by Yzerman's plan, because I thought he was more of a draft and develop type of guy, but he's made a few high priced signings/trades over the past couple of seasons. And just my own opinion, but I'm glad that Kevyn Adams have avoided these types of moves with Buffalo.

  14. Wings Fan:

    Stevie knows what he is doing which is, put the best team on the ice that he can while also looking down the road and not shooting himself in the foot. I think we are seeing the beginning of a dynasty. The future trades that will be made. The draft picks that will turn into gold.

    In 10 years, the RAD Wings will have 4 cups. QUOTE ME IN 10 years!

  15. Gee, I wonder why YOU didn't get hired as gm for the wings huh?..this is why i stopped listening to shitass kids opinions… 2:52

  16. As a red wings fan, i love our team for the playoffs, look at what chiarot and petry did for mtl, perron n copps game fit playoff hockey, only problem is i dont see us beating the regular szn teams to even have a chance to show it…

  17. There's gonna be a few more years of rebuild, can't have a losing culture tho. Lots of those guys will get you some really good picks if they play good hockey as well.

  18. 8ts only been a couple years with steve give him time detroit was worse offthan tampa give him time

  19. Seems like Yzerman is trying to go cheap route and see where Detroit is without the young guys to see where they are and try and contend with Buffalo and Ottawa and stay in that upcoming group but I feel hes missed some opportunities and overpaid for worse players than the other 2 teams mentioned but we'll see what they can do on the ice

  20. I don’t think people quite understand the rut that Ken Holland put this team in by trying to extend that playoff streak. Yzerman took this team over with nothing, absolutely nothing. He told us that it would take a long time, and we all have been patient. If you look at the 2019 roster for this team, only two players remain: Larkin and Fabbri. And to anyone that remembers history, that team was one of the worst teams of all time. Another thing is that Yzerman has been adopting assets that can be traded. As soon as Edvinsson and Wallinder are ready to move up to the wings, the holl and chariot contracts can be traded (even at half retained) to a team that’s in need of bottom pairing d men. I’ve been pleased so far, but the clock is starting to tick

  21. Not to be rude but I am a red wings fan and I think getting those players that we got was still a win and great moves. Remember they were saying stuff like this when he was the GM for TB. Trust the Process.

  22. one thing everyone needs to learn about the NHL is you should never doubt Steve Yzerman, his genius is next level.

  23. Red Wings fan here, I still fully trust him. He was handed quite possibly the worst deck a GM has ever been handed with the 19-20 team, and has managed to turn one of the worst teams in NHL history (not to mention the cap hell it was in) into a team on the fringes of the playoffs with plenty of promising prospects. I get the feeling that Stevie doesn’t want a flash-in-the-pan team, but another dynasty reminiscent of the late 90’s-early 00’s. It took 10 years for Tampa to win a cup after hiring Stevie, and it took him 14 years to win a cup with the Red Wings as a player. We’re entering year 4 of the Yzerplan. Patience.

  24. Wings are in a tough spot. Thats the atlantic division. Sadly their best plan of action is tank… by no fault of their own they are not making the playoffs. Any other division they are a wildcard even a 3 seed. You say meh and i agree but meh is reliable and consistant. Boring but they win more than lose. They need a game breaker..a datsuyk or federov but your not going to make playoffs because atlantic division reasons anyway. Dont need to tank to the bottom… just dont be mad if you end up in the lottery with decent odds. Its for the best.

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