@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Who/what went out

For all the (rightful) fuss over Erik Karlsson, what about who/what went out?

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  1. What is the bar that makes the EK trade a success?

    1. a cup final and the 1-2 picks flopping?
    2. a conference final and the 1-2 flopping?
    3. a cup /conference final and one of the two becoming a top six player?

    What is a failure?
    1. quarter final and the picks in the top six?

    Tricky one.

    personally, I don't like the trade long term. your chances of a cup run are low and you've sacrificed two chances at a solid nhl player (and the upcoming draft is strong).

    I've only seen two dubas win in trades: giordano for a third and kapanen for a first.

    everyone in toronto was so excited when kerfoot and barrie came in.

    nope. i dont like it.

  2. I wonder of all the 1st round picks sent out in the last 5-10 years who was picked and are they impact prospects.

  3. just saying..the 90' trade for ULF..RON FRANCIS…is the GREATEST..clearly..obviously…but this trade is a close 2nd…given the player & the cap issues

  4. Geno's early interviews always the best…"shoot puck , score goal" What else do you want from an interview??

  5. Yes, the EK65 trade was brilliant. But I do feel that unloading ALL the bad contacts from the Hextall Era except Carter was more a bit more epic. This most definitely is Dubas's team!!

  6. The hard push by the Pens & Steelers to be successful – at least the effort to position themselves for success – makes my frustration with the Bucs even more pronounced.

  7. Outstanding analysis as always DK. I have to admit that Dubus is way better than i anticipated. However, as a 25 year Penguin fan, i love the Karlsson deal etc but i am concerned that it might not matter with 35 in goal. I dont see the Pens returning to the playoffs with Jarry in net. To me, that was the biggest off season issue that needed addressed. "Obviously" no other team tendered Jarry in offer for "obvious" reasons!

  8. I’m answering this half way through but I think what was impressive is that he was both successful on what came in and what went out. The whole package was impressive.

  9. Still looking for this $700k under the cap thing you keep talking about. As the roster currently stands (and you can look at any site that reports cap numbers) they are OBVIOUSLY about $80k over the cap if the season started today.

  10. Here's the thing with picks: Was the most recent cup wining team constructed using the draft? Yes, but you also have to be getting a lot of top 5 picks (minimum) and with that some generational level talent, to do that. That doesn't happen buy hoarding lower 1st round picks that the odds of them ever hitting are low, and can better be used to acquire PROVEN talent that can help the team now and in the future as well. I've gone over many times how their 1st round picks have turned out to be nothing special, or flat out busts ever since they've been drafting in the lower half of the first found for the past 18 years now. And that's not just the Penguins problem, that's league wide. Chances are better you'll hit better on a passed over 2nd or 3rd rounder who'll give you more than any late 1st rounder who probably already hit and came back down off their original ceiling will. Guentzel, Letang and Murray were all 3rd round picks, and they've meant more to this team and outperformed all the 1st and 2rd round picks they gotten since 2005 combined.

    At this point in the Penguins timeline, there's no reason to keep any of these 1st round picks until they are drafting much higher, not when they can cash them in for immediate help instead. Until Crosby and Company are gone, the future is still now, and whether I or anyone else agrees with it, it doesn't matter because we aren't running the team. If they are willing to keep charging up that hill in quest of a cup every season, they have to trade these picks while they still can (meaning: while they're worth less to them). In two years or so when this team hits rock bottom again, and is ensured of top 5 picks again, then they'll be picks worth keeping. The only reason people fawn over keeping picks is they love the idea of the mystery and maybe getting something great like it's Let's Make a Deal. "What's behind door No. 20 Johnny?" "A new Beau Bennett!" Bwah bwah bwaaaah….

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