@Anaheim Ducks

#33 Jakob Silfverberg Shorthanded Backhand Goal (NY Rangers vs Ottawa Senators Feb 21, 2013) NHL HD

What an AMAZING shorthanded backhand goal by Jakob Silfverberg on Henrik Lundqvist on February 21, 2013 National Hockey League.

Assisted by Daniel Alfredsson.


  1. every game i hope to see this guy score was awesome to see him get one in the shootout and in the game tonight!!!!! hopefully once more players get back in the lineup he wont have to play with turris as his center who is only hurting him.

  2. yea but, no one really cares about the swedish elite league. besides hes ottawas most skilled player at the moment.

  3. The guy who uploads these videos of Silfverberg scoring, he's a fan of Brynäs himself. So your "no one really cares about the swedish elite league" comment is just stupid.

  4. What the hell are you talking about? That was a really ignorant statement. If it wasn't for SEL you wouldn't even have Silfverberg in the Sens right now.

  5. if sel was so special why arent the best in the world all flocking to play there? only swedes care for the sel.

  6. Because there's a much bigger and more established league called the NHL, heard of it? I'm just saying that Sweden along with SEL produces a lot of great players, so be damn sure people (scouts etc) care about it. In terms of fans, yes then I'd say SEL only matters for Swedes but is that so weird? It's a small fucking country. Don't be so ignorant man.

  7. you're misusing the term ignorant as i am not acting that way at all. im being completely honest! had there not been the sel any decent player coming from sweden could easily move somewhere else in europe to play. as i said no one cares about the sel (except swedes) and im not wrong about that. but hey keep coming at me telling me im ignorant and wrong, much good it will do you.

  8. The SEL is just the 3rd best league in the world after NHL and KHL, but whatever dude. Sure, no one cares… Keep telling yourself that.

  9. lol don't get too butt hurt over this eh, swedes care about the league, so thats something!!! but the VAST majority of players play in the K or NHL. the sel being 3rd best league in the world isnt actually that impressive considering theres so few countries that actually participate in hockey.

  10. @ovechkin100 you are a moron. The two Swedish guys are right , the SEL does matter

  11. Actually mostly only Russians play in the KHL and Russians are the only people who care about the KHL. Hockey players from around the world avoid the KHL because the teams owners are all mafia and drug lords. FACT. Most american and Candian NHL busts who go there dont make half the money thats in their contract and they cant do anything about it because its a communist country. Vast majority playing in the KHL is wrong the Vast Russians play in the KHL. SEL would be more popular if Sweden was as

  12. big as Russia and Sweden could have a shit load of players because they're country is so big. Think before you speak because everyone on this comment thread just made you look like a moron. P.S. You're dismissed

  13. Just something to think about
    Notable NHL players from SEL: Lundqvist, Alfredsson, Zetterburg, Franzen, Karlsson, Hedman and thats just a few. Tell me again how the SEL doesnt matter. Oh thats right you cant.

  14. the sel mattered SO much the silfverberg left them to come to the NHL like 99% of all other players around the world who are good enough to play in the NHL. so seems its not that important, its just a farm league!

  15. oh yea and they all stuck around to play in the SEL right? oh wait no they didnt they left that league to come to the NHL like all other swedes who are good enough. if the SEL was so awesome why cant they just stay in sweden for their entire career? why didnt they stay there sir? why dont swedes in the NHL want to go back to play? oh ya because its farm league.

  16. omg another swede, ive checked like a bunch of these profiles chirping me and youre mostly swedes. go figure.

    but guess what, no one over here in north america cares much about the sel or what happens to it… the SEL isnt what produces sick players in sweden. for that you need a good system your entire life, they could easily join major junior teams here in canada and have an equally as good career. sorry to say but its true. the SEL is nothing special. NHL and KHL dominate it in all aspects.

  17. NHL > KHL > SEL
    That's how it goes and you are right. But Swedish teams are better than you think. Two Swedish teams fought in the final for the European Trophy gold. Beating KHL teams to get there.

    I do agree with you though, but SEL do produce GREAT players.

  18. His wrists. Let him get some confidence and he'll show you them. The snipe shot in the last years final was just out of this world.

  19. That's where you logic went wrong. Didn't spend too much time in school, did you? Watched porn on the Internet instead?

    Granted that it's smaller than Football (Not the American eggball) there are still National Leagues in pretty much all countries in Europe. Some better, some worse. But being the 3rd best when it's in one of the, populationwise, smallest in Europe says a great deal about the quality. The Swedish NHL players are dominating the whole league.

  20. How can it be a farm league when both the Canadian and US teams are making laps around the Ice hockey rinks like pedophiles around a primary school?

    If you are trolling, you suck at it.

  21. the only difference between our english here in canada and yours in ireland is the bullshit in stuck in your ugly buck teeth gives you a bad accent. and being a part of the british colonies doesnt offend me. america is there too yet 99.9999% of the people dont know it. im at least aware. besides, you cunts had theo fluery come into your country and rip your whatever league up and he couldnt cut it for long in the NHL.

  22. Whatever dude.. the SEL is still high pedigree hockey and I wouldnt't be surprised if Sweden was near the top of quality hockey-per capita over the last few decades. It's just that Sweden itself is not a huge booming economy that can support a league the size of the NHL. Everything in it's place. EVERYONE who participated in the discussion is Proooobably a cunt. Now shhhhh and enjoy this dirty shorthand backhand!

  23. ive considered sweden to be in the top 5 countries fro producing NHL talent. that still means little about the league. had the sel not given up any players and was put up against NHL teams they would get their asses served.

  24. You want a medal, expert? No one gives a toasted shit what you think, figure it out. Future Pierre McGuire, right here.

  25. thats funny cause i made a comment of my opinion, and a lot of people seemed to reply like they cared a whole lot. seems many cared what i think, even you since this be your second comment. funny thing is im the one who doesnt give a fuck what any of you think. did you figure that out??

  26. I totally agree with you, but Sweden is quite much the definition of a booming economy! The real reason the SEL isn't as good/big as the NHL is primarily because Sweden is such a small country. Look at North America or Russia, they are 50 times the size of our blue/yellow nation in the north 🙂

  27. Sure, take away all the euro players from your teams including the russians and lets see how that works out for you.

  28. theres not even enough russians in the league for all the teams to have 1. let alone all the teams to have 1 russian who cant be replaced. in that case i'd say theres maybe 10 russians that would be missed. as for euros in general, theres not many considering more than half the NHLers are canadian and about 25% are american.

  29. better watch how you speak or santa won't bring you anything for christmas young man. oh and now that the bruins lost all their firepower and picked up iggy, it will really be hilarious watching them lose next season. god i hate boston and its about time ottawa walks over them again : ) #shittinonbruins

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