@Seattle Kraken

THG Went Down the BookTok Hockey Rabbit Hole…

This is all so weird to me. I am officially too old for the internet.

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  1. They played and used that girl to get hype around the team they were literally posting videos saying here's more hot videos for you the wife was literally apart of it and now all of a sudden shes acting innocent

  2. Shannon you should definitely make a video reviewing one of these books. That would be the funniest thing on the planet.

  3. On this particular topic, I believe you're not too old, I think this is more a gender thing. These type of erotica, original or not have existed for decades now for many many subjects.

  4. One unfortunate side effect of this is that it casts a bad light on all the wonderful, normal female hockey fans who care about the game for the exact same reasons as your typical male fan.

  5. Considering that Seattle has positioned themselves as being inclusive and progressive, it's pretty disappointing if they were encouraging this kind of thing.

  6. Thank you so much. Honestly this whole situation is fucking disgusting. And it just confirms that the sexualization of athletes is too fucking normalized.

    Felicia only stated "hey i dont care if you write stories about my husband but maybe don't tag him in said stories or post sexual comments on his social media", and the amount of HARASSMENT she and Alex got afterwords is fucking horrifying.

    Not to go all "what if", but I feel like there's a double standard involved in this situation. If this was a female player, the fans would get shunned and probably driven off the internet. So how is Alex's situation any different?

    And the sad thing is, this isn't new. It's not uncommon to see inappropriate signs at games, and every so often I see sexual comments on a player's pages. And I've already seen people say weird shit about Bedard, who JUST TURNED EIGHTEEN THIS MONTH MIND YOU (yes i know he's technically an adult (18 in the US, 18 or 19 in Canada depending on province if I remember correctly), but the fact that people are doing it now when he's just turned 18- and some were doing it when he was 17 too, is still kind of fucking weird).

    Like, I think we as hockey fans tend to forget that these are humans. Not fictional characters. Not toys we get to play with. Humans. Living breathing beings. And they still have boundaries that need to be respected.

    "Alex/Felicia were okay with it before, why are they uncomfortable now?" Because consent can be withdrawn. Just because it was okay then doesn't mean it's okay now. If Alex withdraws consent, then he withdraws consent, and that is something that needs to be respected.

    Like, writing stories about real life hockey players or RPF isn't a bad thing. And having a crush or fantasies about a player isn't a bad thing. Hell, I'll argue that liking hockey because of how the players look isn't a bad thing (I mean, the NHL certainly won't care as long as they profit off it lol). I'll admit that I've had my fair share of celebrity crushes and some thoughts of my own (teehee).

    Does that mean I'm going to comment those things on their Insta pages or tag them in posts where I share those things? Absolutely not, because that's where the line is. They don't need to know what I think about them, and they don't need to know what other people fantasize about them either. And they especially don't need to know about the stories they're in or the RPF. Because fiction is supposed to be just that: Fiction. And if you're tagging or worse even sending the player said fanfic, then the "Fiction" in Real Person Fiction… just isn't fiction anymore. It's straight up harassment.

    And yeah, the Seattle Kraken are definitely partially responsible for their part as well. In fact, I'd argue the entire NHL encourages this behavior in a way. And honestly, I hope the Kraken make a statement regarding this, but I have doubts.

    I'm glad Alex and his wife spoke out against the harassment they got, and I'm honestly hoping it opens up discussions about how we as hockey fans treat players and athletes in general, a discussion that should've been had a long time ago.

  7. you know now that he's said it so many people are going to send him hockey romance books

  8. She's a sad little girl, who in more rational eras would have been given professional help for her obvious lack of self-esteem. Or at least laid out cold by the guys wife, because she's a f'n B@tch and truly deserves it.

  9. Gonna have to strongly disagree with you on why people will say female sports reporters only got their jobs because of sexual favors. Women in all different fields (but especially in places typically more male-dominated) have had this accusation thrown at them and, therefore, their (non-sexual) abilities questioned and minimized. And these women don't have other women in their places of work visibly making tons of sexual comments towards men.

    I think blaming other women for people's willingness to question a woman's ablity to land a job based solely on her professional skills (and not just her physical assets) lets those who are making that judgement off the hook and avoid responsibility for their own thoughts.

    An interesting hockey controversy nonetheless though!

  10. Women in sports being disrespected has something to do with the behaviour of other women, fine, but a lot of it is also just rank misogyny and placing the blame elsewhere minimizes the problem imo.

  11. I’m obviously far from an NHL player, but I’ve played in games with a fair amount of people watching and if someone wants to be heard, they will be heard. Maybe for NHLers not during a game, but in warmups they 100% can hear harassment. It’s gross

  12. Why do people think they need a Facebook or instagram or TikTok? The solution is so simple yet it seems foreign and out of reach for people.


  13. I'm so ancient. I had no idea that was even a thing, nor do I fully understand even after watching this video. I'll turn into dust and blow away now.

  14. While the parasocial line shouldn't be crossed, I think once someone personally connected to the players says "hey, this is getting out of hand, please stop", you should friggin' stop instead of doubling down.

    Leave their SM pages alone, take the ruler smack to the back of the hand, and do better. The entitlement of this 1% of claiming to represent Booktok is beyond ridiculous.

  15. If you don’t want media apart of your online profiles. Then make a private account. Not saying it’s ok but like online media will never change

  16. My thoughts on this are simple: if you don't want creepy behavior or harrassment or death threats on your social media…. don't have a social media, or, if you must, either have it moderated or just literally add followers/friends that you know. Block anything else.
    While social media might be a must for companies (and that's debatable in my book), it's not a must for most.
    It sucks that it went to level for this player and his family, but not really unusual in this day and age

  17. I was aware that there are hockey romance books almost entirely because before the Kraken branding was announced it was discovered that Sockeyes (which had been popularly thrown out as a suggestion) was already in use by a series of such books.

  18. No one is confusing Emily Kaplan for a thirsty hockey gal. She’s just plain not interesting or dynamic when it comes to hockey on tv.

  19. We women who love hockey get this type of 'puck bunny' treatment, too. I disabuse them of their prejudice really fast when I run down stats or player profiles on THEIR favorite team. That tends to shut them up.

  20. Now imagine if men were thirst posting on social media about PHF players. MFs would be hunted down & doxxed while losing jobs, sponsors, advertisers, etc.

    It's just another reason why social media is the most damaging & worst detriment to modern society.

  21. I’m way too old for this nonsense. Booktok? Only thirst trap I know of is BC Liquor. I leave the tar pit once a week for Carling Black Label and Export A’s. Still think the Habs could’ve won the Cup every year in the 70s. Though I would’ve liked to see the French Connection beat the Flyers in ‘75. Gil Perreault and Guy Lafleur are two of the all time best.
    I leave this week’s tempest in a teapot to those with the spoons.

  22. I swear we aren’t a weirdos 😭😭 some of us just have a kindle unlimited account and free time and happen to like hockey!!! This whole thing just really puts everyone in a horrible light. I hope this causing some serious reflection on all ends.

  23. Following the Kraken on TikTok, and I don't know about this specific instance, but they ABSOLUTELY encourage all this BookTok nonsense, wayyyyyyy more than the other teams do. It's really insane, the way the community objectifies real life people.

  24. Sure there are comments about people getting positions regardless of their skill/talent because of other reasons. The unfortunate truth is that many of these comments are accurate. Whether a person is hired because of their good looks, gender, skin color, religion, etc, a person being hired despite their inability to do the job is despicable.

  25. "They were fine with it before". While it's true, people have the right to change their minds. This is what people who commit sexual harassment are not interested in understanding. A person can say "yes" for a while,but they have the right to say "no" and "stop it" when they no longer feel comfortable,and it's on the other person to respect that WITHOUT conditions or debates,no ifs ands or buts
    Side note: I'm genuinely shocked anyone would be mean to,or harass, Shannon and Yvonne. Whoever does that has to be a special kind of jerk

  26. It’s a weird day when I watch one of my YouTube drama channels, Angelika Oles and The Hockey Guy is referenced. Its the crossover I did not expect, nor deserved

  27. I am a huge female hockey fan, and as soon as Seattle started doing thirst traps, I immediately BLOCKED the account. I have also never really been a fan of Kierra Lewis. That is not why I watch hockey and I hate how this whole situation has not put us in a good light. Women hockey fans in general are not all like that. Some of just want to watch the game.

  28. "We could always use doorstops" 😂 That was a good one.
    Honest, I am from the book community and have never read any romance books because its not my tea. I didn't exactly know those types of the genre existed. Nor have I heard of the woman doing this until just two days ago. I feel like the hockey players & the player's wife are the true victims in this situation. It crossed a boundary for sure. I saw the videos later they were referring to & they are massively disturbing.
    As for the hockey team marketing that sent her to the game, I heard they were encouraging it but she had every option to decline making this type of content and decided to push the envelope.

  29. don't worry, i'm 19 and this is all new and weird to me too. or maybe i'm also too old for the internet 🤷‍♂

  30. You forgot to add that 5:32 Felicia called her husband "book toks spanking bank" and "Mr. Panty dropper" on booktok channels….

    Im fairly certain someone got caught entertaining some DMs

  31. Some of my friends are into these books and I can't read them because it's clear many of the authors have done NO research whatsoever (e.g. two Eastern teams in the SCF). If they don't care about their product, why should I?

  32. I am old as well. These players are about my sons ages so it seems creepy. How it impacts the families should be the most important so teams should not support any of it

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