@New York Islanders

This is not sped up.

The player is Emiliana Guerra for the Fort Lauderdale Lions –

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  1. It doest look sped up. Impressive but nothing crazy. Adding this channel to "do not recommend." I don't need click bait.

  2. Lol yet the people in the background are also rapid movement

  3. Tbh that isnt that hard and she ran or walked werry slow so it wasnt insane for woman yes but for men not so it never crossed my mind that this was speed up 😂

  4. To a woman this is insanely fast.

    To a man it's average speed at best, hence why men get paid more in sports

  5. I fucking hate CrossFit LeTs JuMp ArOuND a BaRBeLl and call it training. Lemmie see a girl pull 405 at this bodyweight I’d be more impressed

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