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Montreal Canadiens Top 5 NHL Prospects & 2023 Draft Review

Montreal Canadiens Top 5 NHL Prospects & 2023 Draft Review
Montreal Canadiens Top Prospects
Habs Top Propsects

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  1. Let me know your thoughts on my prospect rankings and which prospects you think will have the biggest impact in the near future

  2. I would not be shocked if they took some of their B tier prospects, Calgary’s first and other picks to make a splash in 1-2 years. They need at least one more 2C or top 6 winger, because assuming
    Will work, they need someone to take the spot of Dach or Slafkovsky on the second line.

  3. lacking true superstar potential outside hutson…but best depth in the league

  4. BTW I just yesterday stumbled on to some site that was showing habs prospects in games they are playing now mostly over seas and pre season games and it was mostly "no points" or "did not dress".Two names that did get a point in one game were Kapanen and I forget the other guy but both were among our higher prospects at one time.
    Just remember this was a really bad team for 2 years now so we need a LOT of help to even challenge for a playoff spot let alone be a contender.IMO the prospect pool for forwards is very weak as I only see Josh Roy as a potential impact player and that is not nearly enough but we are incredibly over loaded on defense too many if you ask me.

  5. Roy's speed isn't necessarily worth mentioning if youre trying to hype him up. It's his hockey IQ that sets him apart. He's been compared to Toffoli.

  6. I dont know where all the hype is coming from, he is a good defenseman, but not THAT good. I think Mailloux's ceiling will be quite a bit higher than reinbacher. i hope everyone is right, and i am completely wrong, that we didnt waste basically this whole off season. In my opinion, we haven't improved AT ALL, and missed a big opportunity to get better. All we've done is add Newhook, and ANOTHER defenseman, Lindstrom. I know there's more to building a team then just adding pieces, u have to free up cap space and shit too. That's exactly what this team needed, Lindstrom and Newhook, rebuild over!!! lol. We are over stocked on D, and our goaltending is a mess, and we have maybe 3-5 forwards that should be a part of the team moving forward. Suzuki, Caufield, and Dach, MAYBE Slafkovsky, if he can keep his head up! I would probably add Pezetta to that group too, just on work ethic alone. As far as D, we're fine there, and were fine before reinbacher. Mailloux, Hutson, Guhle, Xhekaj, Matheson, and Savard, or Harris, or Barron, we have lots to choose from. And of the 3-5 forwards i just mentioned, only one of them can break the 30 goal mark consistently, and THAT is even up in the air, because of his size, im referring to Caufield obviously. I hope he can stay healthy, and resume the pace he had going last year. Truth is, there's still A LOT of work to be done to make this team a cup contender, even to make the playoffs. i dont think we are nearly there yet, especially with the other teams in the division getting tougher, and harder to play against, it's gonna be a rough year. No playoffs, but finish not low enough for a good pick. Sound familiar?? If u have been a Habs fan long, im sure it does. I was so stoked when Hughes and Gorton came along, and I was loving them, right up to the draft, and since then, I just cant seem to see what they're going for anymore, like at all. Just keeping adding defensemen, WHY??? He said himself he traded Petry to Detroit because he promised Petry that he'd do his best to accommodate his needs. What about the Habs needs??? Screw Petry! I dont have anything against Petry, but we dont owe him anything, the Habs did him a solid already, they probably could have gotten more, but they wanted to get him close to home. ok, i guess that's it, I haven't even gotten past the first prospect. (Oh maybe ur going from 5 down to 1, hopefully, like the first mentioned was the worst, to the best!!!), or did u REALLY think reinbacher is the Habs BEST prospect??? Jesus, i hope not. Im sorry Habs fans, for being so pessimistic all the time. I am a passionate Habs fan, and I am having a hard time watching them…do whatever they're doing here. I thought i knew exactly what they were doing, right up to the draft. then it's just been add D, more D, hey, let's trade Caufield, and Suzuki, for 4 defensemen, doesn't matter if they're good!!! lol. Really, if u read this far, i am sorry, i dont mean to always be negative, it's just hard watching fans who think we are making the playoffs this year, one dude told me he bets we r going to have 10 twenty goal scorers this year!!! lol, That has been done THREE times EVER! And this team that we have right now, that isn't going to cut it, we might win least 20 goal scorers! lol. Sorry, more negativity! I will try to be more positive. Go Habs! I LOVE my team more then i could ever tell u, I haven't missed a game in at least 15 years, and most might not believe that, and i dont care, it's true, i love my Canadiens. Reinbacher is going to have to show me something before im on board with him tho, and he hasnt yet. Not for a 5th overall pick in an offensively rich draft. ok, ok , that's it! lol. If u read this far, thank u!

  7. My top 5 prospects for our Habs :
    Lane Hutson
    David Reinbacher
    Logan Mailloux
    Adam Engstrom
    Yes yes four D-men
    For the fifth space I would put Beck and Kapanen on the same level.
    Dishonorable mention to Kidney, from what I've heard, the kid got a lot of talent but he only rely on it : he doesn't eat well and doesn't do the little things pro hockey players does so big nono for me. Also Mysak I don't see him pan out. Maybe elsewhere for a couples of games but not that much.
    Oh and don't sleep on Heineman too 👌

  8. The disrespect of Sean Farrell from literally everyone continues, yall gonna regret it!

  9. Good list and I agree on Mailloux. Mysak’s stock has dropped quite a bit. Don’t sleep on Kapanen, Engstrom and Heinemen. I’d argue that they might be better prospects than all three forwards you listed.

  10. So if Florian Xhekaj makes the team, will they have to find a different communications-related nickname, since his brother already has "WiFi?"
    Maybe they could call him BeeTee which is short for "BlueTooth…"

  11. The new NHL is as much about cap management as it is drafting. Montreal has a deep promising crop of kids coming up into an organization with a great cap structure. Things are looking really good.

  12. So envious of a team like Minnesota that was able to grab JW. Wish we had a goalie we could be super pumped about. Hopefully dobes works out

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