@National Hockey League

My wife who hasn’t watched much hockey hates the two intermissions so I made her a meme

My wife who hasn’t watched much hockey hates the two intermissions so I made her a meme

by Own_Possibility8990


  1. LoveEffective1349

    ummmm since the game is divided into thirds…”Halftime” is not in anyway a relevant term.

  2. Justa_NonReader

    I always like to verbalize it was halftime at hockey games to make the purists boil

  3. RipErRiley

    As a Wild fan I love intermissions as teams can’t score on us during them.

  4. CalgaryChris77

    1 to grab a pocket dawg and a beer, one for the washroom.

  5. KungFuSlanda

    You mean she doesn’t love periods?

  6. The_Quackening

    having 2 intermissions is great tbh.

    first intermission i can clean up after dinner, and quickly get some household stuff done, then in the second intermission i can read my son a story, and get him ready for bed just in time for the third to start.

    Its a fun little routine i started with him last year on the nights we watch a game.

  7. EyeHeartBidets

    Tell her to play. She’ll understand why there’s two breaks in play and not a half time (as there was in pre-NHL play).

  8. Just start the game 45-60 minutes late. Skip all the commercials and intermissions. Watch the whole thing in under 2 hours and it ends at the same time.

  9. JayTee245

    Man… she’s going to love playoff overtime hockey then 😆

  10. jmiller7742

    My wife who has been a casual hockey fan her entire life still can’t stop referring to the THREE periods as “quarters”.

    She fully understands why it makes no sense yet can’t shake it for whatever reason.

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