@Vancouver Canucks

The Sedins Swedish Twins NHL Commercial

Swedish twins is all you need to know


  1. I've never laughed so hard in my life. The people who thought up of this ad are geniuses.

  2. ….euro hockey is about the sport, the skill and finese..euro hockey is wat hockey should be like, its not about how big u are and the muscle you have, it should be about skill and natural ability. hockey is just about laying people out and fighting.

  3. cdncby – ok the skill level is a lil higher, BIG F*KING DEAL, the game itself has become so BORING! Its become ballerina + figure 8's – Why are TV and attendance #'s down? (go check-google 06-07 stats) THEY ARE DOWN, period! – People dont like the new product, they want skill, skating and yes hitting/physicality! Go check a old rivalry from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and go look today – U WONT RECOGNIZE THE GAME + its a shame! – Long live REAL passionite hockey, not this PC bullshit

  4. yadda – hockey is skill, finesse and HEART/PASSION/PHYSICALITY! – Something thats been ripped out of todays NHL – Ive watched hockey 4 over 20 yrs and its BORING NOW! A Red Wings game (all euro's) is B-O-R-I-N-G 2 watch! ZZZZZzzz's – the old red wings/avs of the late 90's was REAL HOCKEY – skill skating and yes both teams HATED each other! – Sadly alot of you will never c that again + even sadder u dont care! Is not just skating fast & in circles – its about passion!

  5. hey thenewnhlsux…you honestly think the nhl is not exciting now..because of european players?? want real hockey by real men with your saying that in europe they dont have passion, desire the will to play? really? well i know myself that in europe especially in sweden, russia, finland colder countries. the europeans play 24/7 hockey just like brazilians play 24/7 football. its the same. to say they dont have passion is ignorant.

  6. DREAM…so why in HELL would they not have passion once they do make it to the NHL?? its THEIR DREAM!!!! just like my dream is to one day play professional football..and i sure as HELL have the passion to make it there..but when i go to europe and play. im sure theres gonna be plenty of assholes like you saying that AMERICANS dont have the "PASSION" like they…

  7. LOL Every one's faces when they see who comes in.

    LoL x 2 when they start dancing!

    LoL x 3 "how much we make? i got a couple of loonies i got a toonie Oh COOL"

  8. Lol, I love the Sedin twins. This commercial is so hilarious I must have watched it at least three dozen times since it first came out but it made me laugh so much each time. Two identical Swedish twins on the same team is insane but so awesome. I saw them play against some other teams and they can sure make some of the guys against them lose track of where the puck is.

  9. Daniel: what'd you make?

    Hendrik: i made a couple loonies, what'd you make?

    Daniel: i made a toonie

    Hendrik: oh cool

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