@San Jose Sharks

Jeff Carter charging on Marc-Edouard Vlasic May 16 2013 San Joses Sharks vs LA Kings NHL Hockey

Jeff Carter charging on Marc-Edouard Vlasic. Vlasic left the ice after the hit but returned for the start of the 3rd period. May 16 2013 San Joses Sharks vs LA Kings NHL Hockey. NBC Sports feed. Announcers PBP John Forslund, color Joe Micheletti. West semis, game 2.



  1. Love all the Sharks fans saying Carter should suspended. Vlasic LOOKED at him, then turned his back.

  2. Love all the Kings fans saying that Vlasic turns his back to Carter. He looked for white jerseys then tried to make a play with the puck that was at the boards.

  3. That's the alternate definition of charging—too many strides to hit. I don't see a suspension coming.

  4. Its all BS, its witch hunt. Its all fixed, they know who the winner is already. The biggest actors in the world. Torres was a clean hit, even against Horton when he played for Vancouver. Did you see the penalty calls against Vancouver. You see they don't have to sell hockey in Canada, because they live for it. Its in the US thats where the money is.

  5. I'm a hockey fan, no one team. No player likes to get hit in the back & end up w a spinal injury, just for 2 mins. That's pretty stupid.

  6. If there's any justice in the NHL, then they better suspend Carter for this. It's been an even series and the Kings won fair and square, but at the same time the Sharks are getting robbed left and right.

  7. Lmao No real injury No contact to the head No history of head hunting but You think Carter should be suspended like torres talk about biased ignorance…lol Sharks fans are like coyotes fans no wonder torres whent their whiney bitches who think every illegal hit their team does is fair but every clean hit against them is an outrage fuck chum GKG

  8. First of all, a hit doesn't have to be to the head to be dirty. 2nd of all, a hit shouldn't be automatically deemed unsuspendable if there was no significant injury. The bottom line is Carter had plenty of time to decide the type of contact he would make in this instance and he made a blatant dirty hit from behind that could've potentially hurt him…

  9. … I know Torres has had a long rap sheet and made a myriad of cheapshot hits, but if the league is going to suspend him for doing nothing, then they should suspend Carter for actually doing something illegal.

  10. Vlasic looked over his shoulder, twice and knew carter was coming, it was his own fault. Carter needed no more than the 2 minutes. Why it was called charging I have no idea. It should have been called boarding.

  11. I understand that, but it doesn't matter. How is anyone supposed to brace themselves for something like that when Carter is coming in with so much force?

  12. Carter hit the body….Torres hit the head. You better watch the Shanahan video explaining it so you understand….not like Torres is a good player to begin with.

  13. Doesn't mean Shanahan was right. Here's what's wrong. 1st of all, the head was not the principle point of contact. The principle point was the shoulder and then it just happened to lead to the head on the follow-up. 2nd of all, Shanny stated that Stoll did not alter his motion before Torres came in to hit him. That is wrong. You can clearly see that Stoll lifts his upper body up right before Torres comes in to hit him. Stoll said himself that he saw the hit coming.

  14. I know that Torres has had a long track record and that he has made tons of cheapshot hits. But he did not do anything wrong on this one and if the league is going to suspend him for doing nothing, then they should at least suspend Carter who actually did something illegal.

  15. Suspension inc for that, is what I want to say, but knowing Shanahan I don't know what is going to be done about it if anything.

  16. looked over his shoulder to brace for impact and the goon goes 100 mphs and gives him a shot into the numbers (which is illegal nowdays) right into a stantion. mmmmooook u keep drinkn dat coolaide bruh

  17. I never said it was a hit to the head, but so what. A hit doesn't have to be a hit to the head to be illegal.

  18. lol Vlasic knew the hit was coming but turned his back anyways. Thats why there is no need for a suspension like all the angry Sharks fans want. That, and Carter has no history, and Vlasic returned to the game.
    The hit only called for a 2 minute penalty.

  19. When Vlasic altered his position, Carter had plenty of time to decide exactly how he was going to make contact with him and he blatantly decided boarded him from behind with a lot of force. So yes, he should be suspended.

  20. It doesn't matter if he knew it was coming or not. Carter still should not have done it. Besides how is Vlasic supposed to brace for impact if Carter is coming in with so much acceleration and force?

  21. Two things:
    1) Vlasic returned to the game, so I'm assuming he's ok. Time will tell, but I hope he is.
    2) This hit shouldn't even have been a penalty. Vlasic turned towards the boards just before Carter hit him, so of course he's going to go face first into the boards.

  22. LA (bandwagon) fans cry foul on this hit but they loved it when the refs handed them the stanley cup last year after a similar hit by steve bernier gave a bullshit powerlay to the kings.

  23. I said that he should have, he got the penalty for that it was a bad hit. Also stated that Shanahan is very inconsistent with handing them out and that he probably would not get one.

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