@Toronto Maple Leafs

Wayne Simmonds vs Shane O’Brien Apr 23, 2010

Wayne Simmonds vs Shane O’Brien from the Los Angeles Kings at Vancouver Canucks game on Apr 23, 2010.


  1. @thefoxrox1 well guess what canucks dont suck u suck even if they didnt win a stanley cup so what u dont need to run your mouth saying that canucks suck if u dont like the canucks then why do u even fuckin watch this u moron and thats to u all canucks haters to

  2. too bad simmonds left. i personally thought he was the best king, and philly is lucky to have him. wish simmonds all the best

  3. When i used to play, it was the same sad shit. White players don't like being checked by a brother. Even if it's a legal check. That is fact. Black ice!

  4. @Diversitial trash ? the first half of the season we had the best record in the NHL and bob did well untill our break. i got an idea grow up

  5. Love how the announcer says that he's showboating and then rypien kicks the shit out of clune in front of their bench… that's a message.

  6. @baracka112 I'm from a trailer park in North Carolina and even I'm not stupid enough to refer to Wayne Simmonds as a "dumb ape"… That guy plays his ass off every shift. He's got talent, speed, good hands, grit, he's a great skater that finds time and space with the puck and he's got tons of heart. Any team in the league would be happy to have him. I'm happy the Flyers picked him up even though I hated to see Richards leave. Oh yeah, you're an asshole.

  7. @baracka112 Were you the dipshit that tossed the banana peel on the ice? If so, your attempt to intimidate or insult Mr. Simmonds failed miserably. He handled the situation with unrivaled grace. He could've pissed and moaned about it and whored it out to the media, but he chose the tactful and confident route and put the fire out as soon as it started. The guy has class and loves and respects the game more than himself or his ego, so that alone shows how much of an "ape" he is not.

  8. @baracka112 Can I please have the address of your next white supremacist meeting so I can kick your bigoted ass?

  9. When trying to make an argument about someone else being dumb, please do it in a way that people can comprehend. Also stop thinking black people are taking over ANY sport besides basketball (completely due to height) and SOME NFL teams are mostly black. And stop thinking that the "white men" are bringing you down. The best of the best will end up being professionals, no matter what the race. But yea, Wayne SImmonds is a great player and baracka is an idiot.

  10. My point is he made it against big odds.As for the white man bringing me down not sure where you got that from i have no problem with white people .

  11. Ya gotta love Simmons – takes the visor off like man. The way it should still be. The current nhl is a joke

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