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ESPN’s Don Van Natta Jr. Talks Belichick, Gruden, Commanders & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

ESPN’s Don Van Natta and Rich Eisen discuss Dan Snyder’s sale of the Washington Commanders, why NFL owners are shaking in their boots about Jon Gruden’s lawsuit, if Patriots HC Bill Belichick is coaching for his job this season, and if there’s some collusion going on regarding the devaluation of NFL running backs’ contracts.

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  1. Does Kraft even have a clue how lucky he's been. Bought a bad franchise for a comparative song, had BB and Brady fall in his lap.

  2. The dude laid out all the evidence, and rich still says “the commissioner has too many fish to fry” 😂😂😂


  3. Boot licking at its finest. You guys actually said he is burning down the NFL.. No the NFL burned him and he is getting justice

  4. Running backs are clearly replaceable. That’s why the owners don’t want to overpay them. Why sportswriters are in the tank for overpaid, uneducated young men is idiotic.

  5. DeMaurice Smith and NFLPA had no right to access Gruden's emails to NFL people. It is indisputable that he got them and leaked them intentionally to the NY Times. Who gave the emails to DeMaurice Smith? NFL negotiator Troy Vincent and Smith go back decades. Vincent was negotiating the next CBA with Smith–why not throw him a bone, show you're two black guys united against a cracker? Troy Vincent had a lot to gain–Goodell would give him a big bonus for a successful CBA de as l.

  6. I think it is because of the cheating scandals as to why Robert Kraft has not gotten into the Hall of Fame and if that's the case I totally agree with not letting him in the Hall of Fame

  7. Man, Don really big dog'ed Rich. Here's Rich like a child, spewing how Jerry Jones was so happy about Dan Snyder's departure, when in fact it's about adults and money and commerce. Big bank take little bank Rich.

  8. I don't see any of these talking heads point to themselves by running with this narrative over the last year or two.

  9. Of course they love gambling. All professional sports are making a mint from it. And that's why the officiating in all pro sports has gotten so bad. If officiating was excellent, any obviously bad call would stick out and be investigated. But since the officiating is so poor, across the board and getting worse, rigged calls get lost in the mix as just another "human error." The goal is to condition the sheep, that is "fans," to accept bad officiating as "part of the game."

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