@National Hockey League

Reddit hot takes from 6 years ago

Reddit hot takes from 6 years ago

by Sketchy-Profile


  1. ViolinistMean199

    The offer sheet comment is literally the only comment that aged well. 4 1st for Leon is a great deal at this point. Especially if he makes you a deep playoff team

    The rest of terrible. 8 mill or whatever for Leon is a steal. Anyone consistent 100 point player is easily close to 10 million nowadays

  2. Gratitude89

    This goes down as one of the greatest deals of all time.

  3. TJTrapJesus

    Drai is awesome but he wasn’t anywhere near what he is now when he signed that contract, you could play this game with anyone whose production takes off after signing a long deal.

    His production “exploded” in 2016/17 with 77 points (after a 51-point year) when he was primarily used with McDavid and was getting top PP time, and that’s what everyone was going off of at the time. As good as you thought he’d be, I don’t know who saw him becoming someone that was going to average 1.5 points per game. And he didn’t become the beast we know today until the 2018/19 season.

  4. This is why I don’t make definitive negative statements. I try to say “I love all hockey and fans” more than anything else. I hope a day never comes when I regret that

  5. Dinkems69

    That stars fan is completely out of hand with their comment

  6. yosoyboi

    One of the only good things Chia ever did.

    Leon is my favourite Oiler. I love Connor and he’s the better player, but Leon is still my favourite.

  7. Master-File-9866

    As an oilers fan. Chiarelli did absolutley fuck that deal up and paid over existing market value at that time. He should have been closer to 6 million.

    That said. The oilers got lucky and drai absolutley did out perform that contract.

    So yay us.

  8. createdrandom81

    Some people have no fucking clue what hockey is.

  9. BillyJayJersey505

    The comment about offer sheeting is hilarious. I love how people talk about it like it’s such an easy thing to do.

  10. getoffthetracks2

    Reddit is a cesspool of crappy opinions , no surprise here

  11. Working_Horse_3077

    The leaf flair is right though.

  12. -MakeNazisDeadAgain

    If they’re gonna spend all their money on those two guys they’re gonna keep getting stomped in the playoffs by teams with depth.

  13. JerbearCuddles

    I remember getting flamed for defending this contract. I liked it a lot. I thought he had Malkin upside. I hate being right, cause this guy bullies my team every year.

  14. holm0246

    And yet, the Oilers have done nothing in the playoffs since the contract was signed. So how much value does all this production really have ?

  15. lilPavs13

    My take is if you make 5 mil you should hit 40-50 points. If you have 9-10 mil you should be hitting 90-110 points

  16. Straight-Plate-5256

    I always loved seeing the revisionists of history saying that it was always a good looking contract… when it was signed it definitely looked like an overpay but like Tage, he stepped up and made the contract look like a steal

  17. Filmexec21

    Really all this shows is that despite people thinking they are experts in reality nobody knows shit and time will always tell!

  18. Remember hockey fans, when you sign a player that young you’re paying for what they’re going to do, not what they’ve done.

  19. Express_Helicopter93

    Man people sure are vindictive here.

    What kind of person actually cares what a few nobodies on the internet say about a pro hockey player…AND 6 years later still cares enough to publish a thing about it. Lol Christ. Have you no bigger fish to fry

  20. Sarcastic_Beaver

    But what about the Bennaissance thooo

  21. cmcnens59

    In the words of UrinatingTree: “OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???”

  22. jls1717

    This is why fans are fans and GMs are GMs.

  23. To be fair, there is still an absolutely McDavid effect. Take the defensive pressure off the other team, and see what happens when they can focus their defensive line matches/respondibilities. Obviously, these guys are blowing smoke because Drai is amazing.

    Just saying, it would really be interesting having Drai on the Yotes or whatever.

  24. Marchessault81

    Can we find the user who went on record about Oilers fans regretting the contract just to piss on his grave?

  25. mackharp0818

    Welcome to the internet. First time here?

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