@National Hockey League

Young Stamkos

Photo by Jennifer Kuhn

by ChristmasAliens


  1. fjordperfect123

    Whether he’s 20 or 40 he always looks 90 and that’s what we love about him.

  2. Working_Prune_512

    Great player hope he wins a cup someday

  3. uRbaN_AraGoRN

    it’s the Saw guy with no makeup!!

    …he wants to play a game

  4. Jolly_Job_9852

    From that angle with the hair, I thought he looked like Gretzky

  5. aimheatcool

    Stamkos I thought I told you to trim those sideburns!!!

  6. Adam_Friedland_TAFS

    The pride of the Macedonians đŸ‡Č🇰

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