@Anaheim Ducks

Mahura slewfoot on Carrier? – Have your say!

Josh Mahura and William Carrier went down very awkwardly together. Carrier is lucky his leg didn’t get caught under him. How much did Mahura’s leg behind Carrier’s leg contribute to the fall? Have your say!


  1. The player used his leg to sweep away the opponent's legs, check.
    The player used his arm to knock the opponent's upper body back. check.
    The action resulted in a violent fall. Check.
    This is a slewfoot. It is clear that Carrier landed in such a way that he was not able to protect himself. This should be a match penalty for slewfooting.

  2. There is no “interpretation’. There is video evidence. Florida is the dirtiest team in recent memory and I was happy to watch the, get crushed

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