@St. Louis Blues

Troy Brouwer vs Justin Faulk Feb 20, 2012

Troy Brouwer vs Justin Faulk from the Washington Capitals at Carolina Hurricanes game on Feb 20, 2012.


  1. Wow, those announcers are horrible "Brouwer dropped the gloves and it isn't something he can just walk away from" he was the one who came over pushing and looking for a fight

  2. All of you saying that you shouldn't remove your helmet before a fight if you're wearing a visor has clearly never punched a visor before. That shit will break your hand.

  3. Faulk shouldn't have to take his helmet off if he gets forced into a fight. If they were circling each other first or if Brower didnt have a visor then that's a different story.

  4. @Impendingdawn the announcers meant "he" as in Faulk didnt have a choice to walk away. The announcers were saying that situation was a bad time for a Hurricane player to get into a fight, but Faulk had to fight because he was grabbed, like you said.

  5. For basically getting pulled into a fight Faulk did more than hold his own. Especially for, what I think is, his first NHL fight.

  6. @Flyers20Fan That would be the logical thing, but a lot of these fights are so sudden, you normally don't get much time to remove the helmet; you're just thrown right into the action.

    Time for removal is more likely after a face off, but like I said earlier, at least one of 'em found the time to do it here.

  7. Im fine if they keep the visors on either both on or both off i prefer them off but this is still ok, its just when one guy has it on and the other off when i get angry

  8. @MrSasaki43 He took it off on his own accord in the middle of a fight, do you really think Faulk is going to stop and go "you know, I should take mine off too…" especially in his first fight ever (when his team is up 4-0)?

    Fighting is very dependent on what is currently happening in the game.

  9. @icejetsrok It can actually break bones, remember it's made out of material that's strong enough to deflect slap-shot speed pucks. The chances are small, probably 1 in a 100 is too generous, but you get the idea…

  10. I thought it was once a penalty if you didn't take off you helmet if you had a visor on? I remember someone on the Wings getting a penalty for not taking off his helmet before fighting

  11. @rwfan11 lennart petrel got 2+10mins for fighting with visor and 5mins for fight,2mins for starting fight

  12. Why does everyone have so much hate for the visors? Would you guys rather people start losing eyes?
    No, Im not saying its cool to fight with a visor on but just cause you have a visor doesnt make you a puss.
    Ask Brian Berard if he wishes he played with a visor.

  13. i think its funny when my team faces the hurricanes because fault's eye brows make him look like he has fucking idea what is going on

  14. @Wobi05R6
    stop asking ur self why other people do …! because 80 % of them are stupid like a chair! (pareto)

  15. if u see they just went right at it there was no time to take their helmets off

  16. @bmoney2011
    yea I got ya, thats true.
    But I feel like it would have to be punched right square center for that to happen, its just I seen kids who bloody there knuckles from grazing the bottom of it once or twice all the time

  17. @Wobi05R6 – the problem isn't wearing visors per se – it's when one guy fights and has a visor on, and the other does not, that puts someone at a disadvantage unless the visored helmet can be ripped off.

  18. It's fucking stupid the hate for visors, everytime i've fought, i take my helmet off and tell the guy to do the same, if he refuses, i keep the lid on, his problem. I love my visor, i took a butt end to my right eye years ago, and thank god my eye healed, i also took a puck to the left eye and that healed too, i like my visor, no, FACT, i love my visor.

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