@Toronto Maple Leafs

Button shares how Sandin projects immediately and long term

Jim Tatti and Craig Button discuss expectations in both the short-term and long-term for Rasmus Sandin now that he’s been called up in Morgan Rielly’s absence.


  1. Don’t like the leafs but this kids gonna be fun to watch in the very near future. I’ve never liked the leafs since I watched hockey (Habs family) but he might make me like them a bit more

  2. Totally expecting Butthurt to downplay Sandin. I guess it's just AM34 that really bothers him

  3. Button is a hockey jeanyous! I’m always looking for brillyant people like myself. I think button will be a great hockey ambassadoor

  4. If hes the best player not playing in the nhl, and ppl speak highly about him, why the hell is he not in the lineup?!?

  5. His strengths are his hockey sense and IQ, his composure and his skating/edging. His weaknesses are his size, strength and the fact he really isn't dynamic in any way. When you look at that, he's probably going to be good pretty fast, I think he can improve his strength, I don't think he'll ever be an explosive offensive talent or a great passer. I see like a smaller version of Prime Ryan Suter with slightly better skating.

  6. But if Toronto plays sandin too many games this season, they will not be able to protect him (or another good player) during the expansion 'draft' / seattle

  7. My lord, the best defense man at the Juniors championship? How in the world can you say something like that accurately? This is a tournament filled with teams of differing skills, and comparing somebody playing on one team to another is apples and oranges. If you were comparing two players on the SAME team that may be possible, but when one guy has the luxury of playing with higher talent, better two way forward play, and a better partner how can you compare that to another player that may have had none of that? It's like taking John Carlson and putting him on the Red Wings right now, and since he can't produce at the same level you would say he isn't one of the best anymore. It isn't an apples to apples comparison guys, so if you want to say "one of the best in my opinion" I am with you, but anything other than that is speculation at best. Why is it always Leafs players that get ridiculous overpraise? The kid is 19 years old, and Leafs fans will cal for him to win the Norris within three years, mark my words.

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