@Vegas Golden Knights

Tkachuk, Bennett antics in scrum – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Matthew Tkachuk and Sam Bennett both go intentionally above and beyond to try and escalate this scrum. It’s predictable. It’s avoidable. It’s not hockey. Let’s get rid of this tactic once and for all.


  1. A Circus where The Panthers tried to intimidate The Trainers ( VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS) who just laughed at them and showed them who was in control. Panthers like the big cats swiping at Knights and trying to defy them. Result 5-2 Loss. Florida disgraceful performance after what they have accomplished by getting into the playoffs as the last entry on final day of the regular season and defeating the 2 Top Teams Boston & Toronto . No need for this WEST SIDE STORY RUMBLE TO TAKE PLACE.

  2. Nifty analysis…. Total failure to understand playoff hockey or what it takes to win the cup…. Like this is a fairly standard playoff scrum. Its a game one or two normal playoff environment. After this itll be all hockey. Now since youtube is basically chalk full of commentators that have literally never put on skates before but have allllllllll sorts of opinions about the game… Its my assessment that they'll never see a review board because no one got injured in the final series of the Stanley cup playoffs just like it is every year. Its hockey. You want something dainty go watch soccer.

  3. What is the point in rules if you are not going to enforce them. Half the Panthers team should have been kicked out of the league before they finished playing the Maple Leafs.

  4. Who is the clown doing this video- he surely doesn’t know hockey. 6 game suspension really? 5 game suspension in the Stanley cup finals really dude?

    This guy has this wrong on so many levels – hockey is a tough sport and the Stanley Cup is the hardest trophy to win in sports.😂

  5. Never seen refs let an opposing player just remove a guys helmet, restrain him, and then just allowed to tee off on his head, all in full view of the refs

  6. 6 games.. lol No where near has bad as Pietrangelo two hand slash or Benn's crosscheck. It's a heated game, emotions are flying could be the Knights next game.

  7. The RAT part of the panthers is right. They are going to lose. And they won't make it this far again. And hope that Tkachuk and bennett get injured and ends their careers.

  8. Its a sad state but this kind of violence sells. People love to watch fights. The reaction of that little girl tells the story of how this sport sends the message to kids that we love fighting, even during a game. The loudest cheers during a game are for fights. I love to watch hockey but this part of the NHL product is uncivilized and sending a horrible message to kids.

  9. Parmesan crust in your face is a Panther/Tkachuk tactic. Cassidy’s men, in comparison, are showing their class.

  10. Same garbage happened vs Leafs. Why aren't these clowns getting suspended (Bennett & Tzachuk)?

  11. Tkachuk finally throws a punch, of course his opponent had to be held in a headlock with no chance of retaliation, but what the heck a Tkachuk that fights, wow!

  12. CHUK is a punk! All it would take is for someone to cross him in the mouth when he comes up to whomever he decides to taunt…8 seconds after the whistle… level his a*** and he would think twice next time. He is a great player, don't understand why he does the stupid, playground crap he does.

  13. It's not suspension material tome. He got the game, which he should have, but beyond that, it's hockey.

  14. Tkchuck is gutless, he will never drop the gloves. He just loves taking cheap shots when no one is looking. As Brian Burke would say, the Rats are taking over, with no enforcers anymore. He need to be filled in, next time he’ll think twice about it.

  15. It's obviously not allowed but it's a tactic that creates wins down the line, stop being a so whiney

  16. Let's go Panthers, everyone crying over this
    Mathew tkachuk the 🐐 of game winners

  17. It's funny, the Panthers were a big tough team playing the likes of the bruins and the leafs "Both tiny useless little boys" but now they are up against a team like Las Vegas, a team made up of BIG TOUGH MEN!! not little lawn jockeys!! They are reaping what they sow!

  18. They've been a dirty team all year. During the season they got called for this crap. Come playoffs the NHL allows this to happen. These guys need to have the shit beat out of them. Bunch of cowards

  19. Right on! Pretty filthy play from a skilled team that does not need this. Cheers to the VGK for the discipline shown.

  20. The problem with this is that the penalties have zero consequence. A 10- minite misconduct with 2 minutes left and down by 2 goals? If this was basketball, players would be suspended multiple games. This after whistle crap makes the NHL a joke.

  21. That's playoff hockey with that added intensity the is borderline roughing.

    I love this type of hockey and the Knights did the right thing and didn't retaliate.

    It's more of The Panthers sending a message and let's see how the next game unfolds.

    If it's tight Florida will not resort to these tactics. If Florida is beating LV 2 or more goals late in the game, let's see what the Knights got.

    I'm a 61 year old Leafs fan and played competitive hockey. I wish the leafs had more Jam like both Florida and Vegas. Both big hard teams in the playoffs.

  22. Bennett and Gudas are the biggest douchebags in the NHL. At least Tkachuk can back it up with his play, those other 2 are just clowns. I hope that Vegas can get the sweep 🧹

  23. Bunting got suspended for 3 games for what he did and deserved it, so I had no qualms about that. Bennett grabbed Matthew Nies in a headlock and drove him into the ice. The young lad was out for the rest of that series. Bennett gets nothing, not even a penalty. The guy has gotten away with too much in these playoffs. Until they start making calls on these goons, they'll keep doing it. I don't care if it's the Stanley Cup playoffs.

  24. Just hope vegas wins and then kick these punks asses. They are sissies and act like little girls

  25. They can make sense of all those people and correct penalties in all that chaos but cannot make a call they see directly in front of them and only two players there. Two words: Game Management. Enhancing the ability to sway outcome of game in a desired fashion.

  26. Tkachuk is a clown. Hague laughing it off got under Floridas skin and they ended up having the entire bench almost ejected in game 2. Good job Florida.

  27. People who know hockey know that Bennett and kachuck have been purposely getting under the skin of other players, thats part of their strategy and its finally starting to backfire…Back in the day those types of players would have been knocked out by the 4th line goon. I'm still hoping someone knocks them out

  28. Tkachuk and Bennett. Both of them together couldn't fill a thimble full of brain matter. And I'm tired of hearing, " ya, but you definitely want them on your team". That would be a big "No". I want hockey players, not MORONS!

  29. We watched this go on throughout the Bruins playoff series and it was allowed after each and every whistle. A bunch of punks in my opinion.

  30. Nobody gives a shit about Hague 😂 that’s why they never got suspended. Kids just as dirty. He’s even lucky to be in the finals, he’s trash.

  31. Cry baby tactics… theyre getting smoked and cant do any thing legit about it so they gonna try to cause injuries or prevoke vegas to retaliate an take suspensions and vegas is laughin all the way to florida

  32. Do you not see Hague grabbing Chucky’s jersey when he’s skating away that makes him turn and face wash him.. open hand push to the face, not a punch. The referees did a great job in controlling the play and accessing the proper penalties. To even imply any of that deserves any more than what was handed out means you’re out of touch w the situation. That scrum isn’t even a suspension in HS hockey

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