@Toronto Maple Leafs



by booomdynamite


  1. DevOpsMakesMeDrink

    Sorry but 13.25×4 is god fucking awful

  2. Reppotimus

    Thank fuck. Wish it was more but it’s more than 0

  3. DaltonFitz

    Every single person who has been saying he is leaving for the last 2 years can realize you’re all bozos.

  4. Reggae4Triceratops

    Don’t get it twisted.

    We’ve got at least


    more years of Auston Matthews!! All of his prime for US motherfucker!!!

    Holy fucking shit let’s go!!

  5. FlapjackFiddle

    We lock him down until he’s 31 for a modest bump in salary, not bad. The MOST important thing here is that we retain our franchise player. His value is FAR greater than $13.25M

  6. ricas77

    Let’s go!! Now make him the captain of the team and let’s do the thing!

  7. Volderon90

    I can deal with that. We got him for his prime. Let’s face it, if we can’t win in the next 5 we’re rebuilding anyways

  8. JRocleafs

    I love Mathews …. But your know the highest paid player in the league on maybe the best term ever given.

    He better damn well start playing like it

  9. anismatic

    Leafs continue their streak of not being able to sign big names for more than 4-5 years.

    Don’t get it twisted, i’m happy we still get 5 more years of Auston, but this really hurts compared to how every other franchise is able to sign their stars for 7-8 years.

  10. toronto_programmer

    Terrible contract

    Highest paid player in the league by a wide margin and we didn’t even get 8 years.

  11. Grinfacked

    We waited to see if Auston would take less to keep the team together, potentially influencing Willy and Marner to take less as well. We see the answer to that is no. It’s not an extreme AAV, but it’s by no means a ‘team friendly’ deal either. At least, not like other superstars are taking for much longer term. We’ll see what happens with Willy, but this was the first shoe to drop and it isn’t encouraging.

  12. Nameless908

    I’m stoked as fuckkkkk and also like.. why the FUCK are we the only team people won’t actually sign long term with ?! Fuck it, let’s fucking GOOO!

  13. haydenz23

    I feel great that we have Auston for the next 5 seasons, but that cap hit is pretty high for only 4 years. Coupled with the Nylander situation and this may be a tough one.

    Could be alot worse, could be alot better.

  14. ZachKearns

    Boys, I am over the moon on a Wednesday in the middle of August. Let’s FUCKING GOOOO WOOOO

  15. LevelDepartment9

    less than 2 mil raise? not bad considering the leafs premium.

  16. Mrfantastic2

    I’m happy he’s staying but I really don’t like the four years although technically it’s 5, and he’s not better than Mcdavid and shouldn’t be paid like it.

  17. Over their first 8 years post ELC Matthews will have made 2.055M less than McDavid. It’s nice to have him back but I’m not going to pretend he did the team any favours. Especially considering MacKinnon just signed for 12.6 on an 8 year deal.

    I don’t blame Nylander for holding out. Matthews didn’t sacrifice on term or AAV. Thus the cycle continues…

  18. tecate_papi

    Nick Kypreos and every other two-bit analyst: “I’m hearing from my sources that Auston Matthews is 100% definitely, absolutely assured to be leaving Toronto in 5 years….”

  19. PhilMcCraken2001

    AM34 down, let’s get Willy done!

  20. TiredReader87

    I’m excited, but I’ve lost hope in this core at the same time

  21. Big_Albatross_3050

    Guys…you do realize the cap going up also applies to us. I don’t care he’s the highest paid, fact is this takes up the rest of his prime and we retain our franchise player.

    We’ve also got a pretty decent prospect pool to fill out the bottom 6 with. Let’s worry about the future cap concerns when they happen

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