@Toronto Maple Leafs

He stay?

“I feel fortunate to continue this journey as a
Maple Leaf in front of the best fans in hockey! I will do everything I can to help get us to the top of the mountain. GLG!”

From AM34 Twitter and reposted to Instagram

by Trash89Bandit


  1. Sst1154

    Overdrive guys are talking about it too. GLG

  2. jxfever

    Clearly he’s been day drinking in Arizona

  3. JamesCurtis24

    I just hope he wasn’t hacked. It seems interesting though that it comes out after Nylander’s comments. I feel like that can’t be a coincidence.

  4. Disc0Disc0Disc0

    Is 4 years supposed to be good…..

  5. kstacey

    ” -Except take a deal that provides cap flexibility to bring in good surrounding talent”

  6. thelonelywolf96

    Fuck yeah motherfuckers! Kiss my ass to anyone who thought he was going to Arizona.

  7. TrelivingTheDream

    There are no mountains in Toronto, buddy.

  8. skruiss

    Everything he can. Well you could have taken less $$….

  9. GQMatthews

    Guys 4 years SUCKS ASS – why are we happy?

  10. quidjibo

    Auston 13:25 verse 4 : I will do everything I can to help get us to the top of the mountain

  11. TrelivingTheDream

    Everything i can besides a reasonable salary or term, that is.

  12. QuickSerenity

    Omg. Okay it’s happening. Everyone STAY CALM

  13. Valace2

    16% of the available salary cap on one player.

    When it’s a 23-man roster.

  14. SetDaHook

    But Briam Burke said he would leave at the end of his last contract…..

  15. rcwest21

    Great signing! We have Auston during his prime years. I am surprised he didn’t want a 8 year deal. After this deal he will be 31. Who knows, injuries etc.

  16. DarkAgeMonks

    I like goals! I’m hard as a rock! Let’s go!

  17. tenny80

    I didn’t think he’d re-sign…. I’m very happy to be wrong

  18. Captain_Self_Promotr

    Gets paid twice now, 1 playoff round win. Remind me in 5 years.

  19. Kadaththeninja_

    “Will do everything I can” . Will you take less money? “ALMOST everything I can”….

  20. Johnnymac416

    4 years guys think about it if your as good as Matthews and the leafs being as bad and constantly changing gms and coaches ; very unstable and u likely will the cup come to Toronto other the Hh of fame lol

  21. Heldpizza

    I can’t believe that some people actually though he would leave for Arizona

  22. OzzieNewYork

    Is there a NTC? Like can we trade him for a goalie?

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